Bath Times

The pups had a bath. So did Spice, Roxie, Adele and Dusty. Next is Abigail and Kat. Cooper had a mud run and I say a mud run as it start pouring in such a way that it was like someone was pouring buckets over you and instead of running up the walkways in he went the opposite way running in the grass kicking up mud. I didn't give him a bath. I instead cleaned his undersides, his feet, brushed and combed him out and said Coops if you do that again we are swimming mud and all and I am joining you. hahahahaha
He had good company as he had Kat following him getting even more muddier than the Coops so much so that it makes NO sense to clean his undersides and feet as he is mostly mud unlike the Coops. There are advantages to being taller.
Reader Comments (8)
OMG Cooper is muddy! I'm sure he is having a blast though! We saw a cute dog near our hotel. Its owner could tell that we were suffering from separation and let me hold was a Daschund Schitsu mix ( or something like that) . Tomorrow we hit the NYC pet stores!
Cooper's legs and under carriage was black. I should have taken a photo but I said to myself oh my gad he needs to be washed before I have mud in the house and have to wash my floors. So I carried him directly to the sink and then I had tto change myself after I was done. I need to get my priorities straight. hahahahaha
Anne: He gave me kisses. I think he thought he was getting a bath and when he realized I did his legs and under carriage he went oh is that all? Kat was not so lucky. He was a mud mess. Now I am hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow. What can I say, the boys were having fun! Nice to see Cooper and Kat chasing each other.
We often do his legs and under carriage so he is used to it. What can I say other than all of this does my heart good that he is having such a good time but it is work for you to wash him and he/we appreciate it so much. Happy that he gave you kisses!
Anne: When it rains that's my life so I learn to laugh about the extra work as it is funny and I do so enjoy that they enjoy.
Awww, look at that cute little face of Adele's.
My, how Adele and Bentley have similiar features! Bentley has figured out that if he sticks his face in the lawn sprinkler that will do for a bath for some time. I do my best to brush him everyday. We actually tried to put a clip to hold back the hair on his head. He was good until he saw himself in a mirror and then off it came - Mumma, you are NOT going to make me wear that. I'm a boy and don't you forget it! His coat is really coming in now. We have to figure out how to keep that beautiful black ticking throughout his coat and ears.
If you clip his hair the black tipping goes. Roxie still has black in her ears but has never been clipped. Photos of Bentley please. I want to see how alike they look. I have yet to put Adeles hair in a ponytail. The day will come. :-) You can tie it with a rubber band and they still look like a boy. :-)