
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

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Snow Wins Out

Finally got Kona out in the snow and much to his amazement he actually liked it.

This was Roxie snow diving. She dives into the snow as if she is diving into a pool. It's a riot to watch her. Too bad its supposed to rain on Monday so we have 1 more day of snow fun.

Do you notice Kona's eyes closed? This was after him jumping through the snow. Poor dog was falling asleep standing outside. We took him inside as Nathan said the glare was bothering his eye and so he sat down on the recliner. Kona jumped up on the couch and made a leap for the back of the recliner to settle into Nathan's head on the back of the chair. First time I saw this I went yikes but he's so agile and so concise on his jump that he always manages to get to the target. No one else has ever done that trick. Still, I put down cushions all around the chair in case he didn't make the back of the chair but he always does and with ease, I might add. I am surprised he had that much energy after coming in cause seriously he was falling asleep standing up outside.

He is so fast asleep now that even a loud noise didn't wake him up. See what playing in the snow does for you?

Daisy thinks she has a new toy and she is named Dusty. Dusty doesn't know quite how to take it as Daisy kept capturing her. When they got inside Dusty had enough and told Daisy - I don't think so. Dusty is like Truffie - a mild mannered gal till enough is enough. I think it shocked Daisy but then a bit later they were on a more even keel and playing much better together. Relationships unfold and they need to learn effective communications. After grooming Daisy will be heading home. She will be missed!

Dusty finds my tree peony mighty tasty. <sigh>

Boo continues to act as the kid that he is. He plows through the snow. Delights in the play and I think he thinks he has gone to dawg heaven. What a character he is. His parents are stuck and can't get home so he is hanging out here for a couple of days. He will be missed.

Coops is up in Huntsville getting less knots than when he visits us and we have snow. His play with Cody was amazing. But when Cody's dad was here (I was grooming) I overheard that Cody was saying - that's MY dad not yours. Silly funny!

Logan who is visiting for Chinese New Year decided he was NOT going to jump in the snow. He just walked around - played a bit with Panda and Roxie and came in and settled into the couch and fall asleep. So unlike the play monkey. That's okay, Kat just wanted to investigate and watch too. I get that!

The dawgs - they are so interesting - each and every one of them.

Me, I am in pure agony. I overdid it. My neck, my back, my arms are crazy sore and my muscles seem to be jumping - weird feeling. I am glad I got the grooming done. Just Daisy and a break till the next day - of course.

I am praying it doesn't rain on Monday.

Oh, and you guys out there - if you want the BEST truffles in town for Valentine's Day best head to the Longo plaza in the Bayview John area. Ultimate Truffles resides there and hands down they make the very best Truffles I have ever tasted and I have tried a ton as they are my faves.

Check out the message below as we have an update from Laci. We have missed her updates!

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Reader Comments (11)

Love seeing them all having fun in the snow, even Kona! Good for him :)

Off topic Darlah, but Kona has the most beautiful is it that his hair doesn't fall into his eyes? He doesn't seem to need a ponytail. He is stunning Kathy!

February 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLori

Great pictures Darlah. So sorry to hear you are in pain, but with all you do it does not surprise us.

We know how good those Ultimate Truffles are....I wonder why....and so great Truffle is named after them...they should use him in their advertising and you could have free truffles for life...haha.

Hope you can relax tomorrow!

Lori: You read my mind! I was looking at that pic of Kona and wondering the very same thing-how DOES his hair stay out his eyes? He looks so perfect even after all that play in the snow, especially his face and head. ???

February 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterIrma

Kona does look like he actually played in the snow. We may come home to a different Kona. He has been exposed to so many new types of play. Kona is
a fairly accurate jumper. He is so light on his feet, very cat like in some of his

February 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKathy & Kona

Whatever it is Irma, I need me some of that! Scruffs is an absolute mess minutes after I've perfectly groomed him! Maybe it's just like us humans...some have great hair and some of us were born to have bad hair days all our lives. LOL

February 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLori

Timmy is a mess within minutes of grooming, especially when he and Lilly tussle and play. I tie his hair up out of his eyes and it lasts a couple of hours. I am hoping it will stay out of his eyes better when it gets longer but I'm afraid you're probably right Lori.
Some have IT and some DON'T! LOL

February 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterIrma

Kathy: He is VERY cat like. He is precise, agile and on the mark 100% of the time. He also liked the snow but we get rain tonight and rain all tomorrow so we will have wet and flooding in the back, I imagine as there is a LOT of snow out there. People wonder why I train to pads and outside - heh. We will see how he deals with that. Shoshi is forced to deal and has become better over the years no longer putting up a fuss about it but that took years of throwing her in the middle of wet grass when it was raining. Then her hopping out of the grass every single time till it no longer bothered her. If it is really coming down she still looks at us as if to say - are you for REAL - you want me to go out in that? If we are - she is. We will see how Kona reacts. I wish the snow was staying.

I think Kona is better in so many ways as he has had to deal with changes, different dogs, sleeping, eating, playing with others with all sorts of personalities. It's truly hard to duplicate that experience by just going to the park. He likes some more than others but don't we all.

He is great about grooming. Loves food too much like Treasure and now Dusty - has to be genetic as I swear they would eat everyones food if allowed but now he has learned - oh well I ate and now I must go out - no trying to steal the pups food as she just lets me - those humans won't allow me to - sigh. We have a few here that would eat a cow if allowed but they know the drill. He finally gets it.

You will still get the old Kona back - loving being that he is and will be very glad to see you. But he has learned to deal with chaos, snow, sharing, pups in face and he is relaxed.

I think the snow without paths is intimidating to many. It's a lack of control that really bothers many of them. With the paths he was able to jump and play with Boo from the safety of the path and even jump in to his neck with the snow but had access to get out.

He is truly a good boy. This has been a great experience for him truly. Nothing like getting thrown into a different experience to get those coping skills perfected.

It's why Paula sends her dogs to an entire network of friends so they learn to cope with all different environments and ways of doing things. She is lucky that she has that ability. I have to settle for visitors and their exposure but always better in an environment that is not your home.

Next week we get to see Envy and Tangles but I was warned - they must be crated at night and they must have their hair kept intact. Paula is going to soak up some sun.

February 10, 2013 | Registered CommenterDarlah

Kona has Treasure's hair. It has more oil in it, it is straighter - silky. It is nice to take care of. You must use something that reduces the oil vs. adds oils. Each of us has different types of hair and so does the havanese.

Look at it this way, Scruffy and Timmy like to play like crazy. I rather love that!

When Irma said to me are you going to let Boo out after washing him. I said yes. I would rather him play and do the extra work to get him back looking good. It depends on your ability, your desire but for me the dawgs count far more than me and I may complain at times as really I need to figure out 'me' time too but really the smiles they bring acting crazy is far more desirable to me than a pristine dog.

Irma, can you imagine if Boo wasn't allowed to play in that snow how much of a crime it would have been? Then his parents couldn't get in so the bath was a wash too. They come in on the day its supposed to be rainy and muddy - of course.

Kona has a lot of brown in his hair - its a silvery brown. Ty's mom says oh my he looks like he has chocolate in him. She liked his looks too.

I am rather smitten with Kona but to know him is to love him.

Irma: Have you tried the detangler yet?

February 10, 2013 | Registered CommenterDarlah

Darlah I envy the folks who have the thick cotton coated Havanese, but I do not
envy the amount of work it is to keep their coats long and healthy. Kona as you know has a finer silky coat not thick and lush like Truffie, Boo, Scruffy & Timmy.

It is like us ladies we always covet the hair texture that someone else has and learn
to deal with what God gave us.

February 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKathy & Kona

Kathy: You are so right about the hair-don't we always want want someone else has but learn to deal with our own. Kona's silky hair looks marvelous and now I get the difference between his hair and Timmy and Scruffy's hair. I rather like the disheveled look too but getting the knots out is challenging.
Darlah: It WOULD have been a crime if Boo had not gone out to play in the snow. He had so much fun and added to Timmy's fun too! And we got to enjoy watching the play and interactions. So a little more work for us but worth it! Used the detangler only once so far on a knot on his back leg. It IS magic, I swear! He had snowballs all over his legs and underside yesterday but he combed out better than I expected. Your good job and the show sheen helping for sure!

February 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterIrma

Irma: Glad its working. Glad he is staying knot less for a bit. It makes a difference to use Show Sheen and use the comb to make sure you get it all. Not many groomers have the desire or time to comb every which way.

February 10, 2013 | Registered CommenterDarlah

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