Snow Wins Out
Saturday, February 9, 2013 at 6:30PM
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Finally got Kona out in the snow and much to his amazement he actually liked it.

This was Roxie snow diving. She dives into the snow as if she is diving into a pool. It's a riot to watch her. Too bad its supposed to rain on Monday so we have 1 more day of snow fun.

Do you notice Kona's eyes closed? This was after him jumping through the snow. Poor dog was falling asleep standing outside. We took him inside as Nathan said the glare was bothering his eye and so he sat down on the recliner. Kona jumped up on the couch and made a leap for the back of the recliner to settle into Nathan's head on the back of the chair. First time I saw this I went yikes but he's so agile and so concise on his jump that he always manages to get to the target. No one else has ever done that trick. Still, I put down cushions all around the chair in case he didn't make the back of the chair but he always does and with ease, I might add. I am surprised he had that much energy after coming in cause seriously he was falling asleep standing up outside.

He is so fast asleep now that even a loud noise didn't wake him up. See what playing in the snow does for you?

Daisy thinks she has a new toy and she is named Dusty. Dusty doesn't know quite how to take it as Daisy kept capturing her. When they got inside Dusty had enough and told Daisy - I don't think so. Dusty is like Truffie - a mild mannered gal till enough is enough. I think it shocked Daisy but then a bit later they were on a more even keel and playing much better together. Relationships unfold and they need to learn effective communications. After grooming Daisy will be heading home. She will be missed!

Dusty finds my tree peony mighty tasty. <sigh>

Boo continues to act as the kid that he is. He plows through the snow. Delights in the play and I think he thinks he has gone to dawg heaven. What a character he is. His parents are stuck and can't get home so he is hanging out here for a couple of days. He will be missed.

Coops is up in Huntsville getting less knots than when he visits us and we have snow. His play with Cody was amazing. But when Cody's dad was here (I was grooming) I overheard that Cody was saying - that's MY dad not yours. Silly funny!

Logan who is visiting for Chinese New Year decided he was NOT going to jump in the snow. He just walked around - played a bit with Panda and Roxie and came in and settled into the couch and fall asleep. So unlike the play monkey. That's okay, Kat just wanted to investigate and watch too. I get that!

The dawgs - they are so interesting - each and every one of them.

Me, I am in pure agony. I overdid it. My neck, my back, my arms are crazy sore and my muscles seem to be jumping - weird feeling. I am glad I got the grooming done. Just Daisy and a break till the next day - of course.

I am praying it doesn't rain on Monday.

Oh, and you guys out there - if you want the BEST truffles in town for Valentine's Day best head to the Longo plaza in the Bayview John area. Ultimate Truffles resides there and hands down they make the very best Truffles I have ever tasted and I have tried a ton as they are my faves.

Check out the message below as we have an update from Laci. We have missed her updates!

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