Holiday Moments

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Each year we have a tradition of scanning any cards we receive and placing them up - well when they have dogs in them. Today's card is Coco and Doozie. Thank you Carol for coming to the show and giving Nathan the card. He almost forgot to tell me as I think he was fried.
Lucia was more fried as she stayed till the end as Muntuno won group as well.
I bathed the dogs for the show (they get to be bathed again before bed as they get up at 4am). Looking forward to Sunday and Lynda's visit to show off the pups and enjoy her company and then Sunday night crawling into bed. ROFL
I have already been out with the dogs 3 times playing but no photos today. I may get to them but I need to get to the class ones. :-)
Reader Comments (3)
Great card. Joy indeed.
Coco and Doozie are so cute together. Very nice holiday card!
A great moment caught of Coco and Doozie. How easy is it to get a good shot of two. . . . not that easy! Adorable!