Not Impressed Plus Show Update: 2 Updates Today

I am Miss Roxie and this is my 3rd heat and I am not impressed but girls rule!
Mommy says she needs Kat tuckered out as he is so focused on me so I just jump all over. He can't catch me and I mount him. He gets plenty tired. That makes Mommy happy as he has no energy to whine.
Daddy says I will probably have a mating by tomorrow but we shall see. For right now I am in Mommy's office or running with the gals until Daddy gets home and I tucker him out more.
Show update. Muntuno beat Cali. He is quite the adorable thing. He is now being shown by Val this afternoon for 'best baby puppy in show' and coming home here for a bath. We co-own Muntuno. So, Lucia will show him tomorrow freshly bathed.
Jeannie lost today. Adele, even though Nathan had to do all sorts of silly things did walk (Nathan said he used to have pride) and she won Winners Bitch and Best Puppy. He did hear from a ringside judge that when she walks she is a very nice dog and he should go places with her. We knew that but - condition, condition, condition. :-0
Tomorrow is a new day and I get to wash all the dogs (4 tonight) as we get up at 4am so Nathan can do it again. Shoot me now - will you?
Tomorrow Lynda drops in and we are looking forward to that and Dusty departs. It will be a quiet week with only the Daisy snuggling with me in bed. After dinner I may take a nap with the dogs. I have a long night with bathing it seems and I know Nathan will be tired. hehe
Reader Comments (6)
Way to go Adele! I'm sure that Jeannie wanted Adele to have the spotlight so she decided that she wouldn't win today :-) Well done Muntuno!
Congrats to all.
Way to go Lucia, Montuno ,Val and Darlah.
Adele has just begun to show what she is made of.
Little Jeannie will rule another day.
She beat bigtime handlers today too and got lots of compliments on her structure. Nathan said he thinks he was comedy relief for the audience trying to get Adele moving. Adele is a very nicely put together dog. She just needs to walk. ROFL Jeannie hopefully will win tomorrow or next week so she can finish her championship. Jeannie is coming home to me tonight so I can wash her. She kept poor Val up till 4am trying to protect her from the cat. So tonight I have Adele, Cali, Muntuno and Jeannie to wash and then get up at 4am. But get this Nathan is not home yet so I can start washing. :-)
Congrats to all! Well Done, Adele.
Congratulations! Everyone must be so proud.
Roxie - Want to come and hide over here w/ Laci? :-) (She looks like a determined woman in that photo. A don't mess w/ me face.) LOL
Debi: I am sure she would come but she wanted to go home with Lynda. Lynda comes here and its as if we don't exist. It is so funny.
I would put up a video of Kat and Roxie attempting to mate but I am afraid some would go oh my why did you do that even though they didn't connect. I will tell you I think Roxie is better at the mounting than he is. ROFL No connection yet.