Fun Weekend Havanese Style

Scruffy and Pepper are getting baths before they depart today. Poor Scruffy had mud all up his legs last night that he went to bed slightly damp. Here you can see Pepper going under Scruffy as if he was a bridge and she succeeded. He just stood there as she went under him and departed on the other side. It was as if he is used to that. Okay Pepper now what are you up to?
Don't worry Lori they will be tired and clean when you see them. :-)
We finally got a light dusting and Griffin and Brewer showed up for a a bit of time for play and fun. Brewer just for play, Griffin gets a bath. Brewer had his bath days ago.
Well, we are having a blast, I have a number of baths to do but its fun, fun, fun around here!
I have yet to exercise but I promise myself I will.
Look at it this way - with the cold the ground freezes and no more mud to clean up. Hooray!!!
More later!
Reader Comments (3)
They are both tired and clean Darlah, as you promised :)
Thank you ever so much!
I juggled a lot. I just now finished bathing dogs going home tomorrow morning. I will just freshen them up in the morning.I am exhausted. This was not easy today.
hi Darlah
cathy might be a little nlate for zoe she is in Woodstock right now 1 pm I guess the roads in and around London were not very good. sorry not very good at this