Brrrr It is Cold

Griffin has had his bath and is enjoying the snow but its mighty cold out there. Its going to be quiet this afternoon. Maybe I will get that exercise in after all.
Poor Leti can only be out for but a moment and then she is way too cold. How did it get this cold this fast?
Adele rather enjoys the snow and this is her first snow weather.
Spice still takes care of her babies and has been teaching the little ones how to muck it up in snow. Spice rather enjoys the white stuff. Let's see how long this batch lasts.
We have many more stories and photos but I have to finish everyone. Busy times.
Reader Comments (6)
Leti has the cutest stance and the perkiest little tail! She reminds me of a fawn in the photo above. :-)
That is actually Griffin. Can you believe... he just left today. Waiting for Zoe to be picked up, feed the dogs and may take a nap on the couch. Am truly tired today and probably stressed as we had a lot of ins and outs and Abigail wanted to get up each time to see who it was. With Dennis sleeping in the morning, it can be interesting.
Oh my, he appears so tiny. Isn't he an Abi puppy? How adorable! Still has his puppyness for lack of a better description. :-)
He's a princess Fiona puppy :) and he retains his puppiness as he has a 8 and 4 year old to keep him forever young.
Tania - How lucky are you! He's adorable and I'm sure your 8 and 4 yr olds keep him happy. I assume they are humans . . . . LOL It was great when we had our 1st family puppy and had two 9 yr olds to keep her active and otherwise preoccupied. :-) Sooo happy we now have 4 grandkids to appreciate our Laci! The love is mutual!!!
Yes, a princess Fiona pup and that so describes her well. Risa thinks she is the queen so I can't give her that title. Griffin was a pleasure to have here. He was so much fun!