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Click on Photo for Larger ViewWe are excited that Paula's Phantom and our Wasabi have a new champion. We look forward to doing it again with Wasabi's daughter and Phantom. Let's hope for a gal this time - well Paula wants a gal like Envy. We shall see....
Wishing I could have seen him show in person. We all look forward to seeing him earn his American championship. He never lost as a class dog on the way to his Canadian championship.
Bravo to Panda for beating a special that took Best of Opposites in last year's national specialty. Today Panda took Best of Opposites over her in a Toy Specialty in Sudbury. I heard Panda was wonderful today! She is more than halfway now to her own championship.
Panda had a blast taking a hike through Paula's property. She has 80 something acres. Now she is back at Lynda's enjoying Logan and all her human family. We will see her again tomorrow!
Reader Comments (10)
Congrats to Envy and Panda! Will they be at nationals in BC? Im still considering going :). Always have a soft spot for Envy. Love my Tre with all my heart but Envy was also a pick of mine.
Yes, I agree that Envy has that somethin' somethin' that so many of us saw. Congrats to Envy and Paula. I'm sure a lot of hard work goes into this success of theirs and so not easy. And, he is very beautiful!
Congratulations to Panda, Nathan and Lynda! I'm sure you all have a lot to do w/ her successes. I have no idea what that titles mean as am not knowledgable in this area but I think I'll learn.
Congrats to all and any I may have left out!!!
Congratulations to all ! I am sure it will not be too long before Panda gets her
Canadian Championship.
All Darlah's grooming and Nathan's handling classes have paid off.
Congrats to Paula for Envy's success. He sure has a great face.
Darlah you must be very proud of Wasabi's offspring.
Gerda: Nathan will be there. I will be holding down the fort so to speak - missing things as usual. Paula will also be there with Envy.
Envy got Best Puppy a few times too... Hard audience now as the campaigned dogs are out for top points and like it or not the breed and group wins go to them most times at this time of the year. Easier to start in January.
Kathy: Thanks - it is a lot of work - rather hard when you allow them to play but worth it even if it takes a bit longer - the play is so important too. Many keep them separate while they show and then wonder why they don't play as adults. Balance is so important, imho! Rather show them when their hair grows back when they are mature than to curtail a necessary process called play.
Congrats to all! Yes, Envy caught my eye as did Tre ... something about them .....
Congrats to Envy, Panda and all involved with their wins. I think everyone wanted Envy. He has such beautiful colours. He is where he should be, with this amazing win. Can't wait to here how he does at Nationals. His coat is very nice. I wonder if it will change colour as much as Brie's is. So fun to watch. Take Care Darlah. It must be difficult when Nathan is away.
Congrats to all! It's wonderful to hear things went well in Sudbury. I have always loved Envy's unique coloring. Panda I am partial to as well, so much like my little Scruffster. Keep up the good work!
Jane.. So true Envy is where he should be and great things are in store for him :) will be fun to see him grow. Somehow he already looks so mature.
It's that hair - the long hair disguises their age for sure to a degree.