Sunshine Soaking

It's already turning to that fall like weather. The dogs are enjoying the weather.
I have to get to grooming. Truffie has been washed but no one yet has felt the brush and comb other than him. I figured I best get the blogs done so I don't have them pending.
Terra was up several times last night so sleep was not good. She had to make mad dashes out to the yard. This is one of those dietary indiscretions. Today its gone. Joy - not - I am tired and much to do. I may go to bed at 9pm. hahahaha My usual is at 10pm.
Caffeine is my friend.
Dennis loves to clean things. We have all the dogs beds done, all the blankets. He sterilizes everything. I bumped into Jonathan our other son at 430am just finishing playing video games. tsk tsk. Getting him to help out is a challenge.
Since its just our dogs the dogs did a change up on positions in the bed. I have Treasure on my neck every chance she got so much so I think I need to exercise the kinks out. There goes that 'e' word. I have to get back to it.
Maybe the dogs and I will watch a quirky, bizarre show from the UK called Misfits. I am into season 2. The first show I said you got to be kidding and now I am in season 2. Maybe I am warped but I like some of these characters even though they are so out there. I can watch, snuggle with the dogs after grooming and maybe Dennis can take a nap. He's not sleeping much trying to take care of mom.
Pups are not much care so he can sleep at night interupted but still better than constant stay awake, I suppose.
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