Crazy Day

It's warm. Dennis is sleeping and we are trying to play and stay quiet. Oh, is that fun or what...
For those that don't believe Roxie and Scruffy aren't best of buds, here are some photos I took this morning.
We have managed to play fetch, tug, we did grooming. They ate, they barked a couple of times and got corrected and we are waiting for Dennis to get up so pups can go play. It's already setup outside just waiting for them.
Off to do dishes and play with the crew more and maybe I will get a shower in tonight and eat. No time to eat today... oh well...
Reader Comments (5)
They look like best buddies. Great shots.
Oh don't they look sassy! If I didn't know better, I'd think the Scruffster still has some male hormones goin' on! LOL
hah is that last picture an example of playing tug??
Oh these photos are just too cute! I know he just loves Roxie but even I can't believe how well they play together. And Roxie looks like she's just loving all the attention. That's foxy Roxie for ya! ;-)
Glad to see Scruffs is having so much fun. We really miss him!!! Glad we will be home Saturday.....he better be ready for snuggles because I'm going to smother him!!!
That's how Spicy lost her hair from Logan. :-) It is a pull and drag them around tug toy sort of a thing with munching going on.