Enjoying Sunshine

That's it... Nathan leaves for Sudbury soon. I need to wash Panda before he goes. He needs to do last minute errands. But before this craziness sets in we managed to have some great sunshine moments.
I may wash Logan so I do not have to wash him Friday. I have Jlo to wash and go home.
We have visitors coming Monday morning from Chicago. Instead of my marathon brushing one at a time as we go through the day I will do them all in the morning. I just finished everyone about an hour ago. I usually do one here and there instead of an assembly line process. heh I am glad when I do them right after each other as its then done. I rarely miss a day.
As we still have Spice in heat it means Kat has to sleep downstairs in the hallway with Dennis while I get the rest. We've never done that so it can be an interesting one. We shall see. Poor Dennis - maybe he will keep him awake.
I honestly brushed Scruffs but as you can see here he is not cooperating. Can you look brushed for more than 5 minutes? He reminds me of Spice and Wasabi mucking it up every chance.
Well, the grand daughter is in the hospital longterm so after Nathan gets back I may be doing some night time stints to relieve the daughter. Friday a colonoscopy and upper GI. We were hopeful she would be out after that but she said no she will probably be spending her birthday in the hospital and that's on the 23rd. What does she want for her birthday? To go out to eat and to be out of the hospital... sigh.
Reader Comments (4)
Darlah, now you know how I feel. Scruffy is his name and boy did we choose appropriately even before we knew it! :)
Hang in there, I know the next few days will be especially difficult without Nathan and with you granddaughter still in hospital. Somehow you will manage, you always do.
Thanks for taking care of our little Scruffaloo as well. I'm sure he's having a grand old time! :)
I imagine that is Nathan's girl Roxie in the top photo. She looks like such a girl there and is sooo beautiful like her Mommy. No wonder Scruffs loves her! :-)
Sorry to hear your granddaughter is spending a long stay in hospital and for her b-day. Good thing is that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully all will be managable and a faint memory of the past.
Darlah I hope everything is ok with your granddaugher .. sorry to hear see has a long hospital stay ... tough one for sure ... seems you need a few more of you to go around .. pups are so lovely I must say ....hope you keep afloat ... take care
Lori .. Mr Scruffy is just turned into a such a handsome boy ... he has so many different expressions ... what a character and so spunky! Love it...