Scruffy You the Man

The Scruffy one got a brush out as soon as I was up. (Got 4 hours sleep) This was taken by Nathan as he had the pups out with some of the older crew.
Scruffy really seems to like the pups. He especially likes Timmy. Maybe that is due to Timmy being bold, grabbing his hair and saying - hey play with me will ya!
Scruffy seems to enjoy that attitude.
He does play with Cha Cha but its more of a soft play where with Timmy its full on play as if there is no size difference. Cha Cha says - hey whoa I am smaller than you - you know!
Scruffy no matter how busy you are brings a smile to your face and he just loves the Roxie.
Reader Comments (5)
Oh, I do luv seeing the Scuffster! What a cute button of a nose. This is a perky photo of him for lack of a better description. :-) I've been a little sentimental since these last 4 pups arrived . . .
Scruffie sounds like a real character.. A strong personality can be a good thing.
Oh my little Scruffito!!!! You are so sweet! Momma loves you!
He looks extra fluffy in this photo, I almost didn't recognize him!
I can't even describe to you, Darlah, how much we miss him :(
We talk about him every day, we miss his licky lickies, his cuddles, and his trolling for treats. We also miss his "catch me if you can" game and the way he prances around - we call it his "tu tu tu" walk.
It's torture but I know it's good for us and for him. Please give him lots of hugs and kisses from his momma and poppa bear.
I'm glad he's doing well with the pups. We were just talking about that today coincidentally, that he's good at altering his play to suit the other person or dog. He's gentle when he needs to be and plays like crazy when he knows it's ok. We r so proud of him and truly love his personality :-)
By the way, what is it about Roxie? He adores her!!!
Scruffy is doing very well but I will tell you, I brush and he looks a mess 2 minutes later. I have to laugh. He does like the pups. He played more gentle with Cha Cha as she told him off for trying to play rough like he does with Timmy. It was actually funny to see his face go what they hey was THAT for? Then he went oh I was too rough and then played with her more gently. It was as if he said oh you are Cha Cha and Timmy likes to play that way - you don't but get you play rough with your sibling... what's THAT about?
Have a feeling that if Jill isn't strong Cha Cha will own her. She's already starting the - you want me to come in... I don't think so. We don't let her get away with it.
Re: Roxie - its the gentle nature of her and she is very gentle much like her mom. It's inviting.