Bath Times

No time to update. Washed a few today. Got to spend time with Abigail now. Take temps and all that stuff. I go out of the room and she cries for me. So, we are connected till she has pups to focus on them Dennis does the night shift or maybe I will. Maybe she will decide not to have them till tomorrow. We shall see.
It's either tonight or tomorrow though. Well guess what 9/10 was the magic day.
Reader Comments (2)
Ohhhh, I just love Abigail. I've been giving Laci extra hugs today while thinking about her. I know she will have beautiful puppies and 4 is a healthy amount of pups. I'm sure they will all do extremely well. Do enjoy this time w/ her as you will both be very busy for many weeks to come! :-) (Doesn't she look beautiful when all pregnified - I know - not a word, but it fits.) LOL
Darlah: You have such an amazing relationship with all your dawgs, but especially your "moms". How wonderful for you all!