Back From the Vet

Risa simply has an irritation from possibly scratching herself. No crystals, not even a UTI but we have antibiotics in case it had its mind in turning into an infection.
That's a relief and a long drive and bill to find out but always better to have peace of mind.
She's no longer bleeding.
Gee these old gals worry you silly.
The rest of the crew is playing and the Sparky and Socks goes home tomorrow. Poor Lynda we are taking care of Logan and Panda as Lynda is VERY very sick after her holidays. Hoping she feels better soon. She will need to with the university newbies she will have to deal with starting soon. :-)
Reader Comments (10)
Great news for Risa... no icky food!
I know what a relief that must be for you! I always liked to have meds stored for assurance too! It's stops the what ifs . . . . :-)
I'm so glad Risa is okay. With senior dogs you always assume that it could be serious. Happy she'll be fine, and will keep enjoying her food.
Darlah I am happy to hear Risa is ok ... she really is quite beautiful and lsuch ovely colouring ... What a worry off your shoulders ... take care
So happy to hear Risa does not have urinary crystals or even a UTI. No awful food! She is such a regal senior gal!
Risa is a food-a-holic just like me. She jumps up and down at every meal till you put the food down. I ought to take a video one day as you will laugh. Treasure and Shoshi does the same so you have 3 Mexican jumping beans wanting their meal akready.
So happy to hear Grandma Risa will be okay.
Kona her grandson has a ferocious appetite. He will do anything for food.
Give Risa a big hug from us. Kathy & Kona
So glad to hear Risa is fine. She is such a cutie!! Love her to bits!! Give her XX OO from me. :-)
That's a relief about Risa! So funny to hear they are foodies unlike Scruffs who even when he is starving just kind of grazes. Me, I could eat all day long if you let me :) LOL
Lori: Fiona is not a foodie. She eats one kibble at a time. Same with Truffie but if Nathan sprinkles crushed up bennie bullies lightly they both eat faster. Roxie is also a very slow eater but we don't allow grazing. You can control their potty training much more by not doing that. They must always have water but food - well they can wait till the next meal and they will eventually get that they best eat or the food won't be there. I only indulge pregnant and nursing moms and those that are performance dogs. I consider daily jumping into a pool performance and actually feed Kat more during this time and then when the pool closes he is cut down. While breeding they can and must eat all they can. First timers often lose pounds (males). It's awful so you have to feed them away so their focus can go back to eating.
Truffie connected with Treasure 1st time today. As she is such a dominant bitch and he is a softie - its a miracle but she likes him. Poor Kat is grumpy as ever. Poor guy...