
If I have to go on that bleepin awful food I will die and that human mom will have to diet too cause I can't do this alone.
We think Risa has a urinary tract infection. It's her first one. We are familiar with them due to our goldens. How can you tell? They have blood in their urine.
Usually if it is caused by crystals they are put on special food to avoid removing them. It worked for Terra but she hated the food and lost a lot of weight. Risa and I can stand to lose weight but not this way. Terra's never had another case.
Nathan has to bring her to the vets tomorrow to see.
No update and we are still playing recovery. I am soo tired from the show.
Reader Comments (6)
I'm praying you won't need that diet Risa! I hate diets just as much as you do, so I totally get it!!!!
AWE...POOR RISA!!. Just love her. Hope all goes well for her tomorrow and she doesn't need a special diet. I know how well you feed the dogs. Yum. Take Care and I will be praying for good results.
good luck Risa. Hope all turns out well.
Darlah - I do hope that Risa just a little bladder infection that meds will clear up quickly!
The ONLY and I mean ONLY way we noticed she had any issue is to see a tinge of blood in the urine. We thought it was Treasure as she is in heat. She's jumping, active as ever especially when it comes to food. The gal likes to eat. Now to have to syringe water down her throat just before going, so they can collect there. The things we do... I doubt it is anything else. She recently had a full geriatric workup and came through it like the star she is. Risa's a mighty healthy gal. Haven't had any health issues with any except an anal gland once on Risa. We tried raw at that time and her stool went soft vs. hard as raw usually does - go figure.
Shoshi pulling a ligament not once but twice chasing ducks off the deck. One year she did 1 leg, the next the other (no surgery - just rest). We now after being slow in the brain (human factor) slow down runs by blocking direct runs with furniture so they can't run like banshees. Shoshi would jump at the ducks without touching a stair. A big no no seeing we have 4 very high stairs. Terra having crystals once and a cruciate surgery - she has grade 4 hip dysplasia and has had it since we got her. Our vet said its a miracle she is walking but she keeps at it and no she is not on medication. I watch closely to see if she struggles so I know when to add pain meds. We know this will do her in early but so far - lucky.
Shoshi having a serious reaction to a lepto shot but no reaction to anything else. Not anything else.
Our biggest issue has been with our late Whitney (golden) and our late shepherd Laci. Whitney was a rescue and neurotic and I am seeing signs of that neurotic behavior with Terra and that makes me sad but far lesser degree than Whitney. She had a skin issue that turned black and would have to be bathed 3 times a day at the end and even with a skin test they couldn't figure out what it was. She stopped walking at 9 and Nathan took her in a pool all summer long crying hoping to get her walking again. It was a hard summer. He succeeded. I thought we were putting her down. We didn't put her down till 4 years later (old for a golden) when it was time not due to us but her. She had no quality of life - no tail wagging - nada. Nathan can't put dogs down so I did that myself crying in the rain all the way home. I deal with any death cause I love him greatly but at times I wish someone would do that for me especially with pups as we have had the odd ones.
We lost a few pups with Wasabi as she had an area we learned when spayed that the placenta wouldn't fully attach to thus the lost of one if implanted there. It was good to know and it was important for me to know. Those pups came out with lack of hair as if they were preemies and originally we thought she was fertilizing one egg late but no it wasn't that. No cancer, no tumor - nada - just a rough spot that made implantation difficult. I listen to Myra Savant - if you lose a puppy most likely there is something wrong with it - incomplete in someway. It doesn't make it easier but Wasabi had fantastic pups so it balanced the loss and I learned to accept but I am glad I don't have to do that anymore. It was one of the hardest things to deal with as it is solely me that deal with pups with issues. The men in my life can't.
Our late shepherd had medical issues as well.
But our havs are rather healthy. But Risa could lose some weight - me too.
With genetics you never know what combination of genes are pulled. You can duplicate a litter and never get the same result. Anyone who tells you different is lying. There is no such thing as a perfect human or canine. What we do is take the info we have and make wise choices hoping we don't get a throwback to something we don't know about. We pray. We care. We do our very best. But even with that you can have something occur. We have yet to figure out a disease free race of canines or humans.
There you have it.
Darlah, my thoughts and prayers are with you for Risa and all your dogs.