Today's Class

Panda or Roxie will not be going to class tonight.
Panda is in a show on Thursday and she would be too tired as she would have to be washed after class. I mulled it over, talked to the handler teacher and we all agreed that it would be a lot for me but detrimental to Panda to have her show sluggish so time off just this week.
We will play catch-up and teach on our own for the week. Panda really seems to enjoy the handling class.
As I haven't gone to handling classes lately it was a pleasure to see how much Panda has progressed.
She even was excited to go to class and happy to see all the other dogs.
The judge made fun of Nathan talking to the dogs in a cute manner but that's because she owns a power breed and you can't talk to them like that. But we laughed and Panda performs better than way so I say go for it.
Why is it okay for a woman to talk to a dog in a cute manner and not a man in the ring? It's not for some and for some it is.
It tells me you have to know who you are showing to. So many opinions on ring ettiquette.
It reminds me of Fiona scatting in the ring. People laughed and laughed but this one judge was mad and wanted her to be serious. So, Nathan accomodated him but Fiona was not happy. Havanese are supposed to be playful, folks!
Reader Comments (9)
Sounds like this judge needs to take himself a little less seriously as well as learn about the breed he is judging a little better!
That seems like a rather personal comment to me! Is this the norm - to comment on the handlers behaviour/personality, as well as the dogs? To me, ettiquette pertains to manners and I don't consider it mannerly to comment on someone's pitch of voice. Well . . . this topic can go far w/ me so I'd better quit before this turns into a novel. :-)
Where ever Nathan is in the picture I want as my backyard! I agree the dogs love Nathan's play voice. Tre still reacts with joy when he hears it on a video. Tre continue with his puppy agility and soon will start next level puppy obedience.
Last week we were doing recalls with distractions. The instructor has either food or toys to distract your dog and you call. Well nothing Tre likes better than food and I did have to call a second time, but bless his little boots, he turned and ran like the wind and assumed the sit position. GOOD DOG big treats.. then he turned and ran back as fast as his little feet would carry him to the instructor and assumed the sit position.. if it works once, why not twice.. 8 dogs in the class only mine.. As one lady said that is one smart dog!
Gerda: hahahahaha so food motivated and yes very smart!
Deb: Yes, handling classes are different than obedience. Sometimes you wonder if they have a target on your head but you do learn. What is a reality is each judge feels different so you have to adjust accordingly. Panda has improved immensely in her class and so has Nathan. But Panda does like that cute talk and connection. Not all dogs do.
Some judges should just take a pill and chill. The communication style between the
handler and the dog should not be driven by the judge. How the dog responds
should be all that matters. Good luck Nathan and Panda.
As I said politics, politics. Waiting till 8pm to wash Panda so she is fresh for the morning and I only have to do touch-up.
Good luck to Panda and Nathan! I'm sure they'll do splendidly. As I've told all my kids, just do your personal best and you're always a winner! :-)
Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure Panda will Reign supreme.....hehe, couldn't resist :)
Good Luck :)