Early Morning Snuggles

Danielle gets up around 7am and watches tv and snuggles with the dogs. Here she is snuggling with one of her fave, Sparky. I think he is a sensitive soul and realizes Danielle needs extra loving.
Tonight I am off to meet Nathan at handling class with Panda. He's been at an all day Pet First Aid Class with Lori.
The weather was just right to have the dogs outside. It wasn't too cold. It wasn't too hot.
I got everyone groomed and even Logan stood in line and said my turn.
It makes me feel good as I have to be doing something right by them for the lineup.
Time to feed the crew the head out to class. The day went by too fast. I suppose it does when one is very busy.
Reader Comments (10)
There's nothing better than a snuggle and some love from a dog. I'm sure living w/ all the dogs (not to mention her grandparents) and their love and fun times will be very theraputic for Danielle! :-)
Yes, I agree nothing like "puppy love" to cure what ails you!!
Lori, I was unable to comment on your commentary of Scruffy's antic as it didn't allow me on the blog .. however happy to see Mr. Scruff put one over on your hubby!! Who's fooling who?! I was laughing so hard reading your story! You must write a Scruffy journal of all his adventures ...
Lori! Me to . . . and so I commented on Fiona's blog.
Let us know how your course went. I was thinking about that - if it's the one that was at the Ajax school? I see fall courses are now scheduled. I'd better get checking. Summer is ending too soon! :-(
Darlah / Lori -- can you tell me a bit about PetFirstAid?! Are there ongoing classes or is this a one time occurance? I think I would be very interested in attending something like this ... Thank you.... me
The Havanese are very intuative. Hugs and snuggles are the language
they speak fluently. Both your grandaughter and Sparky are enjoying
the moment.
Glad Danielle is getting snuggle time with the dogs. I'm sure it helps. I know Scruffs always makes me feel better with snuggles! Maybe on Thursday Scruffs can give her some extra love and care as well :)
The first aid course was actually fantastic! Lynda was our instructor and she was great. She brought her golden Emma to help demonstrate and she was such a good sport letting Lynda splint her and clean her ears and she let us all palate her femoral pulse and her heartbeat. Plus they used Casper the CPR dog (a dummy dog) so we could practice giving breaths and doing chest compressions. We had stuffed dogs to practice on for splinting. You can bring our dog if it can sit still and be quiet.....so NO, we did not bring Scruffs! Roger took the course too and he found it to be great as well. Plus, she made it fun for us :)
The program is through walks and wags but as Lynda is a who's walking who trainer as well, she holds the courses through them. All the details are on the who's walking who website under specialty classes. We did this in Ajax but I believe they hold it at their other locations as well, or at least Burlington. The have one schedules for sept 8th but they may move that one back a bit to the fall. Also, you can do it spread out over 5 or 10 weeks instead. The site has all the details. It was very thorough and covered pretty much all the major emergencies one might encounter. The do a practical and written test at the end and they give you a certificate. You are certified for 3 years before renewal is needed.
Sorry, palpate not palate...did I mention I hate autocorrect?
Sparky is a wonderful little soul. I am happy to say that he has brought love and snuggles to many. I will be training him for pet therapy soon. He is a natural. But it is always a two way street, because he just basks in affection.
Mary: Danielle is sick. She goes in for further testing in September (less than 2 weeks) and Sparky seems to clue in and gives her great moments. Abigail is a calming dog too so it makes sense that she passed that on to him. Abigail's magic seems to work on other dogs too. I have always admired that about her.
Sparky is having a great time. It's finally going to get hot starting tomorrow.
Lori -- thanks for the low-down on the PetFirstAid course .. I will check out the website...
Darlah .. sorry to hear your granddaughter Danielle is not feeling well... I hope all goes well with testing ...