Hanging with the Dawgs

Nathan was outside with the dogs and I was the inside person. Tomorrow I said I am going outside when I can still swim.
With heats you have to separate so that means each of us get a selection of dawgs. I look forward to the end of the heat.
Today Nathan had Cooper in the pool and he did the crazy wild play with Scruffy. Interesting Benji just watched. It's the first time I saw that.
Check out a few of the photos.
I brushed everyone today myself and told Nathan if he was taking any swimming he was the groomer. In the past he would say can' they all swim and now he understands you also have to do the brushing afterwards. Sometimes I am up to the whole crew, sometimes like today I am not. I usually do more grooming that Nathan by far. He gives me the off relief but I do appreciate any help I can get.
Scruffy waded on the steps but didn't actually swim. I think after Nathan brushed Cooper with his massive hair he decided no one else and to be honest he was only out there for a short time. Me, I only got to go outside when I repotted some plants that sorely needed it as they were root bound. I ran out of soil so tomorrow I get more and finish the 2 remaining.
Let's see I didn't read the paper today. I didn't get my grooming stuff cleaned up. Oh well, this always happens with pups and then when they are a week old you relax and life allows you to get more done.
Even with all this we managed to have a grand day playing and I will tell you a little secret, Benji is the very best bedtime snuggler.
I am munching on wonderful fruit and granola. Thank you Cooper's humans!
Reader Comments (6)
That's a great photo of all the dawgs w/ Nathan. I just love to see a whole crew of them mingling about!
Darlah! Don't cha know that when babies are born you don't think about anything else. It all goes to hay and you have to take a break from all else at least for a day or a few! Pups - rest - pups - rest! But then that wouldn't be you! :-)
Thanks for the great pics of the dawgs swimming, including our "little" Cooper. He certainly seemed to have a great time and his coat seemed like a great life preserver until he got all wet! We miss him a whole lot and thanks to your great care we know he misses us less :-) See you all tomorrow. Hope his "massive" hair is dry by then!
I know I'm obsessing, but Benji is just too cute....there's something about his grooming that makes him look like a toy. It's fascinating. I'm glad Cooper and Scruffs had tons of fun today. I've seen Cooper runa dn play and run some more so I know that he gave Scruffs a run for his money ;) that's why he's so pooped! Hehehe, that usually means awesome snuggly time for us which makes us soooo happy.
Don't be superwoman Darlah! Like Debi said, pups, rest, pups, bedtime snuggles, pups....everything else can wait!
Lori, Scruffy is such a big boy now and his hair is really growing in!! It gives him a whole other look ...still sweet but differnet non-the-less; glad to hear all are doing well .. ciao for now :)
Thanks Angie, I trimmed him ever so slightly under his belly and sides and the back and front and a tiny bit off his beard. So small you can't notice but enough that Roger was happy he could see Scruffy's shape a bit better. It was my first try so I didn't want to do too much, but we will have to do a bit more after his next bath.
I'm w/ you girls! I just love the looks of Scruffy and Benji. I love Cooper's look a lot too! Laci is wearing the "casual look" of late. It's quite long and I thought perhaps she could do w/ a "slight" trim to maintain her look, but I've decided for this Monday's "spa day" (LOL), she will just have a bath and trim up the essentials, just like last time, paws (pads), lower belly, and bum. She's looking exactly like The Rox when I first met her, so I intend to take a picture for Nathan & Darlah . . . to remember back when . . . The Rox is really now a "Miss Roxie" as she's turned into quite the beauty like her Mom, Miss Abs.
D&N - Are you itching to have another baby of your own . . . one day soon? Or does having the pups and then seeing them go off to forever homes fill that need?