Dirty Scruffy

Hi Nathan and Darlah,
Here's a picture of me from Wednesday.
I LOVE playing in the mud, even though my Poppa tells me not to, but I'm faster than he is :-) He showed me to Momma and she wasn't very happy with me either!
I tried to look all contrite and super cute, but it didn't work....."into the bath with you!" said Momma.
Oh well, I get treats with bath time and grooming, so that's ok too! Hehehe
The Scruffster
It's been a busy day so perfect to share this photo we got today.
Cooper is now with his mom and dad. But he gets to visit us when his human parents move.
It was a very hot day today. We got a cheap BBQ as ours was dead and we cook on it all year round. It took Dennis 6 hours to assemble it or so. We cooked on it today - yeah! We were missing a part and I was told to get it from the manufacturer. They said 6 to 8 weeks whedn I called them. They said go back to the store and get it. So, I did. I am the biach when it comes to stuff lik that. I got the part and a free cover. I also repotted 3 plants - huge job and jumped in the pool inbetween for an hour of swimming. Seeing I didn't have a swim for days it was great and Nathan groomed again - wow - it was most appreciated. He started Cooper, I lined combed him.
Benji also got a bunch of seeds from a weed we have out back that stuck to his hair EVERYWHERE. As soon as this heat subsides Dennis will have to get rid of those.
While we have heats Nathan has to sleep in one room, me another. He gets the gals, I get the boys. Last night I had Cooper up against me on one side spooning and Benji on the other. It was pure heaven. I look forward to heats being over. No signs of anyone else coming in. Just watch it will happen when the others go out. I just know it...
Reader Comments (5)
Darlah! I can appreciate a really good biach and I'm sure you and I could trade stories! LOL Glad you got to jump into the pool! I'm on my way out . . . which I've been saying for too long now.
Always love to see the Scruffster! Think he and Laci could make a cute couple, don't ya think?!
Must be something about this hot weather. Laci got sappy stuff stuck all in, under and around her paws from our blue spruce . . . hope this isn't a regular thing w/ that tree as I rather like it, but soon may not!
Lori .. my goodness I laughed out lout at the pic! The look on Mr. Scruffy says it all!!! Busted!!! .... LOL ... My, my how these 4-legged babies can bring so much joy!
I wonder sometimes why I waited so long to get myself a "little buddy!" .. I know now that I will never be without .. I am looking forward to bringing a little one home to meet my boy... exciting just thinking about it .... for now I am enjoying hearing about everyone's adventures and watching babies being born ... :)
He really did have that "busted" look on his face, didn't he?
I heard Roger all the way up the stairs saying "go show momma what you did!" and all I could think was "oh no, do I really want to see this?". But the truth is, I laughed :-) I can't possibly be mad at him for having fun. He's too cute.
Debi, the sappy stuff is horrible! Did you use the baby oil?
Right now I wish I could just lounge by a pool all day. This heat is sucking the life out of me! And Scruffs can't go out for walks the same way....he gets too hot.
I just LOVE the scruffy and it rained so it is cooler. You could always lounge at our pool. :-)
Deb: Did you manage to get it out? I would be gating or getting rid of the tree but I hate cleaning stuff like that from coats.
Angie: I am not sure how I ever did it with one. hahahaha
Doug and I argued (a tad) yesterday about Laci not going for a walk in this heat! He claims she knows when she's had enough and will turn around to head home, so off he went. I sat waiting fit to be tied as it seemed a long time. Soon enough Laci tore in the backyard still full of vim and vigor so I guess he knows "my" dog! LOL Turns out Laci met a Bichon on the street and wanted to play. She's a party girl and will ask any breed or size of dog to play w/ her. Anyway, I got her in the pool quick as I don't trust that dogs know when to get out of the heat just like they don't know when to stop eating.
The sap was only on her pads and I pondered why now . . . and I'm guessing that the heat brought it out. I got it off w/ a little shampoo and a good spray in the laundry tub, so all's fine. The spruce is gated off but it's a huge one - was supposed to be a fat albert and grow to 5'. It's near 30'. All our trees are huge and Doug hopes we'll have downsized and it will be someone's job to cut down. :-) Never fear, when he procrastinates, I research, get quotes and hire someone and have it done and he finds out "after the fact!" LOL
We just got back from family dog. Luv the clicker and Laci was the star (at least we think so) - she caught on right away!!!