Strange Weathered Day

It was a better day today than yesterday - not for the dogs but weather wise. I still didn't swim but Nathan took Zack and Coco to swim before they head home shortly. If I was washing, may as well swim don't you think?
The weather got hot, got cold - it was strange so instead of taking more, we just gave up and decided outdoor running play was best and less grooming for this arm that was aching today.
I had someone stop by the other day and I was showing some tips on grooming but had to give up as my arm just is a tad more sore than I imagined and now even more so without meds. Oh well, it will be fine. I did manage to groom everyone. Just the arm could groom all the swimmers TWICE so forgive me.
Cooper goes tomorrow morning, Zack and Coco tonight. The room on the bed - well there will be tons. hahaha
Cooper is moving to Huntsville so when he gets picked up he has an exciting adventure in store. He has a new house to explore and he may be confused for the first day as he won't be going to the old one again. But he's smart and will figure it out.
After all his playing he is going to be a mellow guy, I imagine. Keeping him clean in this wet weather has been an interesting venture but I think after some cleaning under and feet he's more than fine. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
You will get to see Simba in the photos. He's visiting and well being Simba. I rather like his cut - an in-between looks now that it is growing in. Lori - YES I LIKE IT!
Also, Sadie who is not one of ours but we have known her since she was a wee pup. She is a play monkey and adds fun to the mix. I believe she is friends with Rocky as it is home week with those two.
I didn't catch everyone but I will try to play catch-up tomorrow.
Look at how Treasure's hair is getting long. So pay attention folks, hair DOES grow. Do what is best for you.
Reader Comments (5)
7:05 pm - we just finished getting our new house ready for the Coop! We cannot wait to see him tomorrow....We hope he likes his new digs! His favorite toys are lined up, his water bowls are ready to be filled. Thank you Nathan and Darlah for taking such good care of him. We know he had a wonderful vacation with you guys and he is about to embark on a new adventure! See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow around 1030am. Will get him brushed up just before as lord know with play he doesn't stay that way long. hahahaha
Glad the house is coming together. Take a photo of the dog run. I want to see what you did.
The Coop sounds like one lucky dog! Is the dog run just for him or do you have or plan to have others? He's a beautiful boy!
Deb: I heard that the dog run is about the size of my yard. Lucky, lucky dog!
Yep. Coop is a lucky dog, the dog run is just for him day we may have another one. We need to settle in first and see what life in Huntsville is all about. Like all Talemaker Havanese dogs, Cooper is precious :-)