Puppy Updates

People were asking about Biggie and it seems he is doing wonderful.
He got a new hairdo and it seems he is still a character.
From his mom:
Biggie spent several hours at the 'spaw' this morning and came out with this new do. Not sure about the blow out (I like his hair in its natural curl better) but its nice to see his eyes again ;).
He seems pretty happy with it.
Now for an update from another.
Kobe, one half of the twins mommy sent us a photo.
This is from Kobe's mom:
Hi guys! How's your summer going? I am home with the pups and it has been great! Kobe went for his first swim last week and after I brought him in once he jumped back in on his own! He seemed to enjoy it and especially liked running around wet!
Then we went to the beach and he was initially scared of the waves but later was lying down in them! He is just the best! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Lauren, Vince, Shilo and Kobe
Reader Comments (9)
wonderful to see updates on Biggie and Kobe! That are as cute as ever and looking quite happy ... glad to see all are well ... Thanks for sharing Darlah! Hope your back is on the mend ..
I can't believe how big Biggie is now...he is still little, but the last time I saw him he was just a wee little thing :-)
I like his hair in his curls too....it's uniquely him. But sometimes a change is fun too!
Oh he will get wet and the curls will be right back. If it was a humid day the curls would be right back. :-) That blown straight is a temporary look. I do it with Risa all the time and then the waves come back. I can do it with Fiona too. What will be interesting is to see how the curls look when they are back with a haircut. It will appear shorter with curls.
Loved seeing the updates on Biggie and Kobe! Biggie and Laci were neck and neck in the size dept. in the earlier days. She weighed in last wk @ 7.1 lbs. Would love to know where Biggie is now. He looks quite "velvety" w/ his blow out.
Laci's brother Kobe is gorgeous! Luv his little white paws and carmel snout! Lauren, do I see a hint of white brows? Great to hear he loves swimming. He and Laci have that in common. How big is he now? Enjoy your holidays w/ the pups!
I think Biggie is going to be a tad larger than Mia but not by much but life can fool ya. Roxie is smaller in bone density than Panda but same height. I don't believe Laci will be a big gal in any way shape or form. I think she will end up similar to Roxie. Roxie who is over a year (born in June) is 9.5lbs and Panda is 10.5lbs. They are or almost at their full height. If they grow in height it will only be by a ridiculously small amount. I can't wait to see Tre and Kobe at the picnic and would be fun to get Laci in the photo too. It's not an opportunity we get often seeing Gerda lives out in lower slabovia. hahahaha
I believe Tre and Kobe have the chocolate gene. Can't wait to see them upclose to know.
That would be upper slabovia! Tre is currently at a fabulous house in Mont Tremblant enjoying his extended human family and cousin Sydney the labradoddle. They play fabulously together. Tre swims daily in the lake. Unfortunately there is no shallow end so I carry him with me down the dockstairs and into the water and have not convinced him to dive in. He seems ok with everything but really seems to enjoy when I float and just hold him in my arms. It's a busy life as he now has 11 people to bestow his love upon , but he seems up for the task.
Look forward to a group picture and yes there is a little more dark brown every day.
See you in a couple of weeks!
Biggie and Kobe are so adorable. Kobe has much more beige in him now! Ringo is developing some dark beige on his snout ( similar to Kobe's) and inner ears. They take after mommy.
Gerda: Sounds like he is having fun - nice. I can't wait to see him and I would have to be dead not to come to see him. It's not like you live close by. Heck, I haven't seen Laci except in photos and she lives close. I am crossing my fingers that all the siblings make it. I would love to snap a photo of all of them together.
Steph: Sounds like he is a tri but I will be excited to see him at the picnic to see if true. Just 11 more days!!
Biggie can't come to the picnic - sigh...