The Jazzy

He has moved his digging bed right into my prized plants and now I am trying to figure out how to get him to move it back. Oh, I do love the Jazzy but gad I am losing plants by the second.
Dennis just moved a planter in the way in hopes that he goes back to his old spot. hahahaha
Jazzy loves digging out beds and I truly don't mind except when it is plants I care about. hahahaha
Jazzy's playmate Toby is on his way back home to Sudbury. They both were vying for Abigail's attention but when she decided she wanted to relax, it was all about each other and the fun 2 boys can get into.
Our pool is now filled to the first step. The pool guy comes tomorrow and cuts out the stairs, the returns and then we fill it a bunch more. I figure by Tuesday night we may be heating the pool and Wednesday swimming. But Wednesday is rehearsals so we shall see. May give us just Thursday to swim with the company. It is what it is.
Yvonne gets to swim on Friday and Saturday while watching the dogs. I am glad as its a little thing we can do for a friend helping us.
Nathan got a great chair for the pool for Father's Day and I suspect everyone will end up using it. He also got a great note from Shady and will be placing it on the Wasabi blog in a few minutes.
It was a crazy pool-less day but a no grooming day too except for top knots. Tomorrow real life sets in.
It's great to see family. It's a lot of work too but it's all worth it just as much as the dawgs are all worth every but of no sleep. hahaha
Reader Comments (6)
Darlah - When you say top knots - do you mean you wash them or are doing the tails and braids? Aside from still trying to accomplish a good ponytail, and I'm working on it, I'd like to know how to wash the top knot (I've got the other vitals covered) w/o dealing w/ water and soap in eyes, etc. Is that possible? I've been doing a damp wash down w/ a cloth, but Laci's top really looks like it needs a good wash! I rec'vd the new Ren's catalogue and see there is a shampoo for just that. Would you recommend it?
The liner looks great! It's very much like ours, if not the same. We have a the tile look at the top edge, but it looks good w/o as well! I do love the darker colours now, don't you?
So glad your liner is in so you and your family can enjoy it this week! It looks great in the pictures.
Happy Fathers Day to Nathan and Katsura!
We know you will enjoy visiting with your "human kids and grandkids" this week!
We will see you Thursday.
When did you get your liner in, Deb? Was it this year? This is a 2012 new design and yes I am enjoying the darker colours but it aint filled yet. :-) They had one from 2010 that was almost as dark and I liked that too - almost like a stone design. We went with this one as it is a thicker ml and he could get it quicker. Most said 3 to 6 weeks. I would be swimming at that rate for a couple of week sbefore closing. I think we will close late if the weather cooperates as we have missed so much swimming. Maybe by tomorrow we can start heating as I won't go in at 60f and that is what it is now. 2 hoses is still slow.
Top knots is the hair you pull into a pony tail. You can do it in a variety of ways but I never just wash the top of the head. I do the bum at times and the feet and sometimes a tummy but I put in a new top knot daily by spraying with grooming spray and redoing till bath times. Besides if she is in and out of the pool you really take off that residue that you were talking about when people pet their heads. I will clean up around the eyes. If you explain a bit more I may be able to help as I am confused. I am not a fan of most of the Rens's shampoo stuff. They used to carry better lines but they have other things that are great.
Shelley: Look forward to seeing the duo and both of you too. We will indeed have a pool by then. I am hoping Logan and Panda will be here. Poor Lynda fell so the duo is staying home taking care of their mom.
Darlah - Our liner has been in for 3 or 4 yrs. One can tend to lose track, but I guess this could be the 4th summer. We changed over to salt at that time as well. We always had white pools and the natural colour from water was quite Carribean and we always loved it, but they don't do white liners any longer, but I'd so glad we got this darker one. Ours is a design of white and darker blue striations (for lack of a better word to describe) and perhaps another colour in there somewhere. I know the stone design (or similar) and we thought about that one too, but the striations make the water to appear to be sparkling even more than the water actually does. I had a difficult time choosing the tile design for the border, but it's quite different w/ brown in it and reminds me of an Egyptian design. I had nightmares over whether I would like this or not b/c it's hard to choose from a piece (and they didn't have a pool to refer me to) and imagine how it will look in real pool size. To this day, I still admire it. We could have gone darker as well, but this was dark enough for me.
Well . . . you have your pool headache and now I have an a/c headache. It went yesterday some time . . . all iced up outside and so I had to turn it off. I ordered a new and bigger one this AM and I'm told it will go in tomorrow late afternoon. You know I don't fare well in the heat! Even Laci seemed uncomfortable last night. For the 1st time she slept at the bottom of the bed and Doug went into the spare room. We didn't need a human furnace w/ us last night! LOL
I can hardly wait for Laci's top knot to grow longer b/c even if I get it in, it's not long b/f pieces fall out. Did you get the new Ren's catalogue? 2012/2013. If not, I will go thru it again, but I did see something specifically for that purpose and wondered if you used it or something similar. As for the swimming, Laci now dives off the paddle board, but she's yet to get the top of her head wet . . . I don't think Tiffany ever got hers wet either - it was always the skinny wet body and fluffy puffy top knot of hers. Laci's is now parted going both ways - down the middle and a front bang part. LOL I'll try to get that elastic in - my arthritic wrists don't help in my success. :-(
Signature liners brand still has the white bottom with a terra cotta border. It was one of our options. I wondered what it would look like. We almost went with a black slate granite but he said really - it will show all the dirt. He said it has to have a design to hide the dirt. I laughed. He is probably right but I did think the slate granite - not truly a black but more of a very dark grey would have looked interesting and heated up the pool water. The darker the colour he more it retains the heat though it's truly minimal. They say a dark liner retains a few degrees more. So wise choice for you and I am sure it looks stunning.
There were so many choices including covering the stairs in the same vinyl to have an all in one look. I have to get a photo of a friends pool in Arizona. If I win the lottery, I want her pool. She has a dug out patio next to her pool with a clear fibreglass wall and they go down into their grotto to eat and can watch the swimmers under the pool. She also has a rock formation that spills water down and into the pool with a flagstaff border. It's a sick design. Sick meaning good. It's okay, I am glad she has it. hahahaha My pool is good enough - plain can be elegant. :-)
Now re: the air, that's terrible but sounds like you got very fast service. You will have air tomorrow night so sleep on the grates - hahaha well not literally. Remember the frozen pillows? I had to have them and a cooler and frozen towels etc - it works. I am not sure how big your house is but ours took a half of a day to feel better and a full day to feel cold and we are 4000 square feet. Just telling you to give you an idea of when to expect total cool down. But I put fans on the grates to push the air everywhere faster when the air was on. I stopped sweating in a couple of hours though. When we replaced our air conditioner (last year) we had to upgrade from our builders special and it never got cold like this year as we repaired the hole that we didn't know about. Now I can turn it down and it feels like a fridge but we don't but did that first day just to feel the cold. One entire week without air is hard especially with very hot days and no pool. I hope you are living in your pool. The new air conditioners work well.
Re: Rens I have several of their latest catalogue as Nathan brought one home from the seminar and we had 2 mailed to us. So just give me page # and name and I will take a look.
I've seen brown pools as well, but only in photos and design shows and never learned if they were liners or gunite. Surprisingly, the brown looked good when factoring in ponds, tropicals and waterfalls! All that sounds lovely, but one needs to have a grounds keeper w/ all of that! The more toys, the more work so I agree that simple is best and also more elegant! :-) Haven't seen the graphite - interesting. I think liners would be much like broadloom - white shows stains and marks, dark shows bits of this and that. This med blue w/ the striations does camoflage a lot, but Doug keeps the pool in great shape. (Glad it's his job though.)
I will be using the frozen packs constantly! I never did get out to get those pillows. I should! And, like your liner, I'm not holding my breath that the a/c goes in tomorrow afternoon and am saying it could be next day so as not to get upset. But, luckily our service man knows I can't take heat and get sick and he laughed as I told him, doesn't matter the time, even midnight is good!
Oh, and ours is a builders special as well and our service guy said not big enough for our house. Ours is 3500 sq ft, but the 3rd floor is 800 and we don't even go up there in summer, unless we want to sauna - LOL. He said the new and bigger model would cool this place better. We should have been out of here 12 yrs ago, but kids moved around the corner, then grands came and well, we'll be here for another 10 and no more than that Doug says!!! One more house (small) b/f the old folks home. :-)
I've thumbled through the Rens quickly and didn't find it. When I do, I'll give you pg#.