No Photo Day

Jazzy just arrived and Toby and Jazzy are getting along famously and I think Jazzy and Toby are rather smitten with Abigail.
Jazzy showed Toby where his fave spot is outside. He dug a hole and we now leave it for him as he just digs it again.
Why do dogs dig holes? It's so cool and comfie and something nice about creating a cool bed for yourself.
No one else digs holes here except Wasabi and she likes to do one under the deck. Toby's parents don't have to worry he will be digging holes out in their yard. He's just sharing not digging too. Jazzy lives in an apartmemt so he truly loves indulging himself. Jazzy just relishes hanging out under the tree in the den he made and he is sharing it with Toby. Such a sweetie, indeed!
We have guests coming and everyone loves the dawgs so they will be getting extra, extra attention.
Almost time to feed. Till tomorrow...
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