Changing of the Colours

Someone mentioned that Treasure was getting to be a darker apricot. I don't even notice it as I am with her all the time but they do change tones throughout their lives.
At one point she was pale almost a golden colour and now she is darker. I had to go through older photos to compare.
I rather like that about the havanese - how they change.
In bed Treasure is the dog that always is up next to me as if she is a 2nd skin when I am in bed. She does this till I don't know when and then I find her in the bathroom on the cool tiles. I know this as I do get up midstream at night. Don't we all as we get older.
In this crazy cold weather I find myself opening my window, turning on the fan and piling on the blankets and the dogs love it.
I used to hate being cold and now the dogs are loving it and Nathan is thinking I have lost my mind.
PS: One day I will stay in bed and if Risa had her way she would too and sleep till noon. Some dogs just love that sleeping in especially as they get older. I guess their needs and wants and desires change too just like us.
Reader Comments (7)
I felt that way too Darlah! She definitely looks darker here than in the grooming video you did with her.
I wish Scruffs would sleep in....he wakes us at 6 am but he is kind enough to let me go back to sleep and he often keeps himself busy so I can get a few extra z's in :)
I find that I really like that colour of Treasure. It's almost like she's changing colours everyday! Haha :) She has the similar markings of Abigail, with the black tips on her ears. She is such a gorgeous dog though!
Envy would get up at 7am and want to go back to sleep but maybe he was in a funk. I will tell you tomorrow how he does when I hear from Paula.
I find I also like how Treasure changes. I think out of all my apricot gals she changes most. She also started out darker at birth.
I too like changes in colour and Treasure is lovely! Am looking forward to what Laci's colours will do.
Darlah, I too love what the elder dogs have to offer. It's so comforting when they want to sleep in w/ you and if you get up, they hope to find another warm body in bed to cozy up to. All ages and stages have their rewards! The teenage stage w/ our kids was great for Tiffy! She would hop from one bed to the other, until there was no one left to go to. :)
Lovely pic of Treasure ... didn't realize the breed does tend to change colouring over time ... this breed seems to be full of wonderful surprises and am looking forward to being a first time mom of one!
I agree Darlah, Treasure is sporting a great colour at this time.
Although Kona has strong dark coluring, the accent portions of his
coat including his legs, and feet were a light golden tone when
he was younger. Now his eye brows wiskers and tail 'feathers'
seem to be graying out.
Kona went to the The Best Dog Gone Salon yesterday. Valerie
gave him a great puppy cut. His coat looks wonderful.
Kathy: They change continually and I rather think that is nice. Love to see a photo of Kona!