Get Together

Abigail got to see her Raylan from an earlier litter. Mom and son getting along famously still. It says a great deal about the Miss Abs. It says a lot about Raylan.
Steven and May has done wonderful with him and we are blessed to have him so close that we can also be a part of his life. Raylan is a special guy for many reasons so it does our heart good to see him happy with his brothers Monty and Mac. It's really nice.
We enjoyed the company of Steven, May Lynda, John, Eugenia and all their dogs.
Here is just a sliver of the photos taken.
These get togethers may be a lot of work - groom dawgs, clean house etc but they are worth it.
Getting Dirty in our yard...
Really, I was groomed...
Chillin Treasure Style
Let's Play!
Wild pursuit
Abigail Playing Again!
Back yard hangout
Raylan saying Silly Gals
My and Mac
The Monty Exploring...
Reader Comments (6)
Thanks for the photos. I was just thinking about Treasure, wondering
how she was doing. I know your focus has been on all the pups, but it is
nice to see the adults. How is Spicey doing ?
As usual I appreciate all the news and photos. Thanks a lot.
We had a great time, Darlah! Many thanks to you and Nathan for having us over.
I think Raylan had an especially good time, he's always so excited to see the two of you. It was quite funny to see Nathan get Monty to make that smiley face, he never does that at home.
Love those pics too!
Great to see Raylan, Mac and Monty. It looks like they all had a great time as you did also. Thanks for sharing.
The Spice is back playing. Treasure seemed to enjoy the day. It was nice! Thanks for asking!
Steven - Nathan has his ways. hahahahaha We will have to do it again soon. Wish everyone was as close.Wish the weather was warmer too. They say snow so we shall see if Envy goes or remains.
My fave pic is Abigail and Raylan. That was only 1 of many moments they had.It was rather nice to watch. Abigail looked happy today.
Lovely to see all these pictures of Moms and and puppies from past litters. Hearing about Nathan's ways reminded me that Laci recognized his voice yesterday while I was watching the video my granddaughter took at the 1st puppy visit. He said his usual, "What ya doing?" and her little face popped up from my lap and looked for him on the screen. Unfortunately, he wasn't in sight. It was cute tho. By the way, I think Laci is going to be a TV watcher. My 1st was, my 2nd wasn't. Do you know why some don't seem to see the TV and others do?
They can see the tvs now - not true in the old sets of years ago. Some are fascinated, some not but true of mirrors etc. A friends havanese when she stays here any animal on tv she will go nuts with even if there is no sound.