Oh Those Guys

Got everyone brushed.
I took them out for a run ala Nathan style. I ran, they ran and I clicked. I managed to really get them going! It was fun.
Here are a few photos of them out back and dear old Daisy is the funniest where Logan and Panda are determined to show mommy Lynda they weren't groomed. Oh, they had baths but what a riot they are making sure they get messy again.
Not to worry, Karen when Daisy is washed tomorrow she will stay inside. hahahahaha
Ty also dropped in unexpectedly - workers in their house and lots of errands for mom. He was a joy to have!
Yep, we still have crazy fun daily here!
Reader Comments (2)
Darlah, I am not always sure if it is Logan or Abs,, or Panda or Spicy. But, I think these photos have a lot of L and P right?
Yes lots of Logan and Panda - have more but didn't have time to do all of them. They had a great time playing!