
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese toronto (32)


Fill Me Up Two Whole Weeks Old

I am so thoroughly pleased that my pups are two weeks old today. Can't you see their tiny tails wagging up high saying - fill me up!

They have now taken eating to a whole new level - slurping loudly at times as if they are starving but they aren't.

Auntie Yvonne came to see my pups today. She brought, Britney, Lola, Maggie and the pups to meet someone that was interested in the pups and one is going to their new home Sunday. Read all about it soon on their blog.

The puppies were so cute too - just scrumptious and full of mischievous fun.

Katsuro spent all of his time trying to woo Maggie and they played Halloween dress-up. See them stylin' it!

Now daddy is off to BBQ me some CHEESEburgers in the rain. Yes, I meant to spell it like that. What a dad! I even gave him massive hugs today - cuddle city. He's so special to me. Now where's those burgers, daddy? I have to get back to the kids soon - oops the pups.


After Bath Havanese Still Needs Brushing

Mommy gave me a bath with Katsuro. No shame around here. We all share. She even set me under a dryer and semi dried me out while brushing. I feel so clean but I think the pups went sniff sniff - who is THAT!

Here I am looking at whatever mommy thinks she is feeding me - yuck! You can do much better, mommy! I am not sure about this stuff. It looks like it's going to crawl out of the dish - yikes!

Did you notice that silly mommy dressed one of my pups up for Halloween and created a Havanese Halloween Safety Tips to help you keep your Havanese safe? Do keep your Havanese safe. They are very precious and deserve it!


Halloween Havanese

Okay, it's not Halloween yet but human mom is trying to find an outfit that will fit these 5 havanese boys and 1 havanese gal.

Human dad says, - get a life!

Me, Wasabi - the real mom out of this crew is glad she's not dressing me up. Sure, I have my sweaters and coats but Halloween outfits - please!


Havanese Puppy Characters

It's Day 6 and already personalities are starting to come out. The white one that mommy calls so fondly El Blanco Grande, well she is starting to think she can create an entire comic strip on him. He can always be found eating up a storm and if someone else has milk left, well oops did I push you out of the way - well let me just taste - you do share with your siblings don't you? From one to the next he plows all others down all in the name of that great liquid refreshment but not all of them is taken such totally laying down. The competition thang has already begun as you can see one is on top of El Blanco Grande saying, 'my turn and don't you forget it!' But did he move...nah - he's the big white one and he's already taken the course, 'Havanese Assertiveness Class 101'

The class has JUST BEGUN and we will see who has their way as the class rolls on.

Me, other than being exhausted at all this chowing down on my body, I am enjoying the little ones. I can't wait till they play with toys. I tried to play with them with my squeakie toy yesterday but no takers yet! Don't these dogs know how to have fun? Are you sure they are mine? ROFL!


Finally a Relaxin' Havanese Puppies and Mom

Here I am with my pups finally relaxing enough to snooze. Daddy is cooking steak for me - yum! Pups are all gaining and a couple is chowing down so much that daddy is making sure I eat right - mom too.

Mommy put the other half of my whelping box together so I had a place to nest but still watch the little ones. That made me WAY happy.

I just heard that my other mom Rita from Sonrisas Havanese is coming tomorrow - am I excited or what!


Havanese Wasabi Finally Resting

It's day 3 now and my precious pups are eating, lively and really amazing.

Mommy and Daddy stay in with me and make sure I am eating, going out to do my duty and taking care of the pups. I am a natural but mom still does these silly things like taking each and counting so this way I can keep track by counting myself. This is what Risa did and this way when they get bigger and go outside, I can count to make sure all of them is in eye sight even though our backyard is closed in and safe, mommy and daddy always count. They did this with their human kids and they do it now. Katsuro counts when we all come in. Risa used to but she lets Katsuro do it lately.

I can see mommy and daddy are already teaching me and I will be teaching the pups so they can be all they can be.

Well I just ate. Mommy has cold toast and cold coffee but I am all good. Heh, Daddy is in bed finally sleeping. All is good on day 3. Wow day 3 already!


Sire: R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst Sent Wasabi an Email

Sire: R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst - that stunning guy sent me an email (how thoughtful) and his photo so I would always remember him. In it, he said...

I'm out-a-here!....
Well done Wasabi...5 little Busters! hmmmmmm! and 1 little Wasabi...
you rock Wasabi!

Hope to see you again...:))


Land of the Living Havanese Puppies

Well look what I got? Tails, tails, tails sticking out everywhere. I have a hungry crew but quiet. They only fuss if I go outside to do my duty or move. Am I lucky, or what? Good pups right from the start and snuggles not just next to my tummy but a few love to cuddle up to my neck and just sleep so contented. It makes me feel sooooo good.

Momma Rita bought me this cute bow and mom just put it in to make me feel dawg - sort of like feeling human again but we furry things feel like dawgs again. heh

Mom and dad are giving me pedialyte with ice in it. None of that warm stuff, you hear. I am a pampered gal even more so than that Paris Hilton human creature - hahaha and better looking, don't you think? Let's see if she can have 6 things clamouring all over her and not guys - well I guess I do have 5 guys all over me and one lone girl, come to think of it. Still, the attention I am getting has to be better than any she may get.

Now where am I getting such crazy ideas? Well, mom had that TMZ show on TV - gad. It's bad enough she mocks up pages on these celebs but she has to listen to it too - tsk tsk. Well, by listening to it, I know how good I really have it - no worries about bad fashion, good fashion, am I preggie or not - hey I shout that stuff out instead of hiding it. Be proud gals.

Well, off to get my sanity break. Mom says I am blogging it too much. A gal has to speak her mind - no?


Attentive New Havanese Mom Wasabi

Well day 2 and I am still taking catnaps but I just can't get enough of these miracles I had. They are lively. They eat and snuggle with me and those snuggles - well they are really what makes it all worth it.

As you can see, I have an incision that is healing nicely and pink hair from the operation but all and all mom is doing her usual taking care of me. She has yet to comb me today but she wants me to sleep. She even put in a thin mat so I can lay my head down but I am too excited to do anything but snooze for a few minutes.

Mom is going to take individual photos of us later today when we are all rested. We figure you don't mind that we get rested first. Mom and dad says my pups and I count the most.


Wasabi Havanese End of Day 1

Here I am - I am back. Mommy has had to fill in for me while I was busy getting these beauties to make a debut in this world. When my pack mates have peeked in, I protect my little ones but also point to them with my mouth and show how proud I am. I did this - wow!

Mom and dad are busy taking care of me, making sure I know what to do. They weigh the little ones, make sure each is feeding and rotate them so I don't get extra sore. They are making sure I have the very best food, Pedialyte too so I replenish my electrolytes all so the babies can be all they can be.

Daddy is going to sleep with me tonight - well on the couch next to me but I doubt he will sleep till mommy gets up.

Mommy says I am going to love when they are walking. I can't wait and neither can they.


Havanese Puppy Love

Is this true puppy love or what? First time momma snuggling with one of her pups and he is the happiest boy - loves to snuggle with her.

More photos coming but back to the puppies and giving Nathan time to eat and pretend he is alive.


Puppies Arrived Yesterday

5 boys 1 girl - more later as time allows - photos to come.

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