Attentive New Havanese Mom Wasabi

Well day 2 and I am still taking catnaps but I just can't get enough of these miracles I had. They are lively. They eat and snuggle with me and those snuggles - well they are really what makes it all worth it.
As you can see, I have an incision that is healing nicely and pink hair from the operation but all and all mom is doing her usual taking care of me. She has yet to comb me today but she wants me to sleep. She even put in a thin mat so I can lay my head down but I am too excited to do anything but snooze for a few minutes.
Mom is going to take individual photos of us later today when we are all rested. We figure you don't mind that we get rested first. Mom and dad says my pups and I count the most.
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