Missing Daddy & Yvonne's Pics

UPDATE: Photos From Yvonne's With Pups and More are In. Even got Wasabi playing with pups and Katsuro Wooing Maggie. Check Them Out Here.
Now back to Wasabi's adventures...in getting ready for Havanese motherhood!
It's rather pathetic - me sitting at the front door waiting for daddy. I had a really long day yesterday. I did eat well this morning but visiting all those cute puppies was exhausting.
With daddy working a trade show till Tuesday night, I have a feeling it will be eat what I give you or else.
Mommy did make a chicken stew with veggies, pieces of prime rib - huh chicken stew with prime rib. Hmm - I think she's giving me the slop - the leftovers - my oh my. Now mommy, I thought I was the light of your life -that really special one. She whispers to me so the others do not hear - but you are! Oh not enough to make the others jealous. Mommy reminds me she has had lots of human kids and everyone thought the other was loved the best. It's the nature of the child and she believes the nature of the canine pack - she says we all count and I guess we do. She makes sure we always have special moments and hey she now carries me upstairs at night as I look at her with those gorgeous eyes saying - are you going to make me climb those stairs? Still, she makes me walk and I rather do love it even though I don't realize it lately till I get out there.
I am hoping mommy goes swimming with us now that I am brushed. She may create a frame with lots of photos for the whelping room. Mommy and daddy are even trying to figure out what to do with the desk in there so they can open the bed and daddy can sleep in the room with me that first week. This way I can be in comfort too. I rather like that and besides, the couch closed up is okay but nothing like a big bed to spread out on and still look down at the pups in case they need me.
Well, we finished Yvonne's puppy pictures let us know if you like them. Much work but worth it to share!