Buster Visits Wasabi's Blog
Monday, September 17, 2007 at 4:53PM
Darlah Potechin in R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst, Rita Thomas, Sonrisas Hot N Spicy Wasabi, Sonrisas Hot N Spicy Wasabi puppies, beth obrecht, darlah, darlah potechin, nathan potechin, rockhurst, wasabi, wasabi puppies

Well little lady Wasabi, what was I -R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst- a fleeting stop in your life? I came to see your lovely face and what – not a single mention of me. My nose is out of joint!

We made beautiful magic together and that's not all we made together! You just wait till mid-October to see I don't just love them and leave them with nothing.

We are going to have amazing pups - the best - you just wait!

The rumour is out that we are going to have six little darlings. I best get a ton of photos. It's the least you can do, don't you know!

Well my mom, Beth Obrecht is telling me I am spending too much time reading your site. Maybe she's telling herself - not again!

It's okay mom. I haven't convinced Sonrisas' Hot N Spicy Wasabi (oh, I just love that name) to run away with me. She rather likes it at her place where her packmates, Whitney, Terra, Risa, Shoshi and Katsuro would be more than miffed if she decided to go anywhere but at her home!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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