
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


It's the Play

Here is the gallery.

Of course Ozzy is playing and playing with Chiclet.

Yes, the dogs managed to have fun today despite the warmth. Nathan said when did you put the air conditioning on. Amazing he just noticed. Tomorrow is Nathan's day off. 

Dogs were having a ton of fun today. I planted onions and garlic and lettuce in the trug. The dogs watched me intently. 

They lazed inside and outside.

Today Nathan said when did you turn the air on? He just noticed? Well, we have to be comfortable and so do the dogs. 


Don't You Just Love

Here is the gallery.

When a dog looks at you like this your heart melts - doesn't it?

It was a hot one. We had hail, rain, wind and sun again. Mother nature is having fun.

We had dogs depart. Dogs come. It's a full house but no dogs swimming today. It was my day off and well I didn't want to groom more than I needed to. :-)

The dogs had a blast!! I mean a total blast! Now they have eaten and are lounging in back with Nathan.

We found someone to do our lawn and weeding for $25 an hour. He starts on Saturday. It wasn't easy as everyone is booked. He is the most reasonable so we will need to tip him if he does a good job. It's only fair. I get that. I may be proud of my garden again. Who knows. LOL

Well back to the dogs. We have an amazing crew with us. They all enjoy each other immensely. 


They Do Like to Play

Here is the gallery.

Tuppy is laying next to Chai. Chai had a bath and so did Tuppy. Who thinks they look a mess? Now if you saw Maurey in that photo you would see how much he was mucking it up. Well, that is what happens when you are play monkeys. Jango arrived and they welcomed him in a huge way embracing him and getting him to play and then the rest did.

We have a slew of dogs departing today. Cassie the player departed already.

Tomorrow is my day off and I planned to look for 2 hanging baskets. Everyone tells me that they are slim pickings due to the long weekend. Guess I will find out.

Rue had to get spruced up as she rolled in the mud. Oh my - she looks good now but we will see for pickup. 

We got to see Nava. How gorgeous is she. 

The dogs are really enjoying the hose. The mud. They are kicking up the grass and we still are looking to a service to mow the lawn. The stuff is getting as tall as half my body. I am embarrased. I worked on the mower and can't get it started. :-( 

No one wanted to swim. Nathan and I got a short swim in. Will it rain tomorrow?


Sorry a Quick One

Here is the gallery.

Got 2 more dogs to do so extra small blog. Dogs had fun. Many departed - only Maurey arrived. Pingo, Maurey, Tuppy are running the backyard with Cassie. The dogs are a mess. Cassie departs tomorrow. She so needs a bath - like beyond needs one. Tuppy is no better. Pingo and the boys like to destroy each other's hair and I brush frequently. They are having fun. 

We need someone to mow the lawn. If you know of someone, let me know. Our mower does not work and I have no time. So, we need to hire someone. Hoping it is not too much. But our grass is really getting high. Let me know.

Our son came over to walk with Nathan. He needs to walk daily he is told - slow pace, small distance till he can go a bit further. So they took Rain and Hope. It's going to be an experience. Hopefully a healthy one. LOL

Well got to eat takeout as Nathan just got back and go back to grooming.


Warm Day

This is a mini golden doodle. I don't think I see any golden in her. She is visiting for a couple of days. 

Here is the gallery. I did manage to click.

The dogs did not react to her. She was a little nervous at first but getting much better. She is now playing. I swear she wants to jump in the pool. Oh and Cassie did but no one else. I said no to her and it is as if she said - who said! I wanted to swim but it is Dennis day off and I had a record breaking amount of dogs to wash and groom so tomorrow - tomorrow. I will start grooming at 730am tomorrow and hopefully be finished by noon so I can get a swim in. I earned it - oh boy I have earned it.

While Nathan napped, I had all the dogs with me in the hall while I groomed. 

I think I am too tired to type - if you c an believe.

Rue is playing like crazy - bravo Rue. A number of dogs went home. More depart tomorrow and yet more on Tuesday. Wednesday is my day off and I may drop dead - okay not literally.

Anyone see any hanging baskets that look nice locally? Let me know where. I never have time to look but if I know where I can make the time to get 2. I am on the hunt - but if you are too and see - drop me a line!

Sorry - I am tired but everyone had a blast!


Sun in the Afternoon

Here is the gallery.

I brushed Pingo this morning and look at him now. I have to laugh. Can you see? Guess another combout is necessary. There are just some dogs that truly know how to have fun. Shlomo looks like he is ignoring him but Shlomo is trying to catch some resting time but Pingo says - come on.

Dogs are having fun this long weekend. I am about to go to Canadian Tire to get Nathan another gravity chair. Not sure if they make them cheaper or what but his only lasts 1 year. Oh well, it is my birthday present to him. He is also on a new med that is making him feel sick so he is spending a lot of time trying to play recovery. They say it is normal for the 1st month. We shall see. 

It is warm and sunny this early evening. Not great this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be outstanding so I best get some swimming in. Will the dogs get some in? It depends on how many combouts I want to do.

Butterflies are already in the garden so I guess warm weather is coming. We shall see. 


Two Blog Day: Birthday Next Blog

Here is the gallery.

I have been grooming all day. I even ate while I was grooming one bite at a time with hair - yuck.

We had Brodie and Brewer here for the day. Lexi and Keke got outside despite them not being overly keen with the rain. Shlomo said no rain for me. Harlow stands out and lets it rain on her. Rue likes to watch the pool cleaner move and then jumps when it comes up the wall. Lachlan, Ellie, Rosie, Eilvis departed. Pingo caught eye of that rabbit - oh my. I could go on. I think I am too tired to. LOL

Nathan is upstairs reading a book as it is his day off and good weather is not in his favour. It is what it is but I hear tell next week 80s? Hope that is true. Probably not on MY day off. No, mine is Wednesday and its hot on the days I have a full schedule to groom so Nathan will get those days. 

It is a busy long weekend. Dogs are having fun. 


7 Years Old

How is it possible that Rheo is 7?
He has been an incredible part of my life. He is loved by all, shown his smarts in numerous dog sports and was a great little ‘brother’ to my late Golden, Kinsey, and to my recently passed, Jasper. Now he continues to enjoy life and keep my lap warm❤️❤️


Smiling Fun

Here is the gallery.

Newt has all the gals after him even Ellie. I have to laugh. I will have to comb him out before he departs. 

The dogs had an incredible time today playing. We have dogs coming and going so I am unable to go to class tonight. Rain and Hope also had a bath. Fluffy puppies. 

Mr. Alfie is departing a day early so he just finished eating and was groomed. 

I did manage to lay in the pool for 15 minutes but had too much to do. I so appreciate the 15 minutes but no dogs in the pool today. It's the start of the crazy long weekend. I want to say next week as I always thought of it as the May two four weekend but not this year.

It was an incredible day for the dogs. They will be tired today.


Run and Play

Here is the gallery.

We had the dogs chase a rabbit in the pool. We have found mice in the pool. The mice need to go. We also have a hole in the pool house that needs to be fixed. The critters are out there. Thanks to Harlow, the dogs love to chase - not catch though Hallie had to be told to stand down. It's been interesting. I think Harlow needs the games. She leads and she is good at it. But as I said, they never catch.

It is too cool to swim - cloudy always. Dogs love this weather. 

Cassie has been busy gardening - chewing this or that tree branch. We stop her and then she does it over and over again. She so wants in the pool but its not been warm enough.

We have pups here and Newt who arrived yesterday is a class act napper and he gave me the stink eye when coming him out. I gave him the stink eye back and he just laid there as if he realized it won't work here. LOL

The dawgs - well they are having fun!!!


Pups R Back

Here is today's gallery.

The pups are having a blast but it is not just the puppies that are playing. Nes departed - huge player. Tenshi mid range player but she is not a puppy. They each have their own energy. Rue and Shlomo play when they want to and when they do they take a nap as they all do after expelling their energy.

Harlow found a baby mouse and chased it into the pool. I hate mice but that's me. We also had a squirrel find its way into our pool house. We found a hole that needs to be repaired this week. I don't want raccoons etc. I need to be proactive.

I planted my cannas but nothing else.

It's been a day but not warm enough to swim. Still sitting outdoors was wonderful. I believe the dogs felt that way too.


Wet Day Today

Here is the gallery.

Short blog. Much to do. Dogs are having fun despite the rain and finally the sun has come out.

I have to do some serious grooming so short blog.... sorry.


Mother's Day

hmm who is Nes chasing? Have to look at the gallery to figure that out.

We had much play today and now Dennis is about to feed the dogs and Oreo and Harlow are barking for their dinner. I have to laugh as they sure do love their food but it sounds like a loud chorus here.

Oreo departs tomorrow. He has been with us a few weeks. He will be glad to see his humans and only Harlow will bark for her dinner. Oreo has had 2 baths already as he tends to get dirty when it rains. He will get one tomorrow before departure.

We were hoping for a warm swim day. I had a light jacket on and socks. It was cool.

I had the son come over with his wife to be. I also had our daughter with her husband who came to eat lunch and visit.

One son called me from the states and awaiting the others. 

Going to watch the last episode of Shogun with popcorn Nathan is picking up. Sun is shining now - of course. Bet it is warmer NOW!

Dogs will head back out with Dennis. He finished the netting and curtains for the 2 gazebos. It was a relazing day - unproductive, I suppose.

Still, the dogs laid outside with me, ran, played and simply had one of the best days.  I am ever so glad! Besides it makes me smile when they enjoy.


Clouds Again

Here is the gallery.

Alfie and Mocha was having a whole day of play off and on. We had Neesi, Nica, Murphy depart and who else and quite a few tomorrow on Mother's Day. Mocha will depart later tonight. Everyone was playing off and on. No rabbit hunting for Harlow. She just preferred lazing outdoors. She so loves the outdoors.

I want to wish all the moms - human and canine a wonderful day. The daughter is coming over and we are just going to have wings on the deck. Everyone else is away. Dennis is placing up gazebo curtains as my present (finished washing them yesterday) so in case it rains we are sheltered. The dogs will appreciate it too. 

I just finished grooming so beyond Nica laying on my legs while Dennis did the curtains and Nathan napped, I was grooming so everyone could be ready for Mother's day. 

Thank you to Mocha's mom for the Mother's Day gift. 

I heard the weather is not going to be the balmy 70f that they predicted so we will make the best of it. So much for pool weather. I guess not yet.

No one wants to sit outside tonight including Nathan. It is just too gloomy out there. 

PS: I got sap out of a dog that came today. It didn't get it in our yard but oh my gad was that tough to get out. Best watch your yards as something is growing that has sap on it. 


Lots of Smiles Today

Here is the gallery.

We had puppy heaven today with Axel, Neesi, Hazel, Hope and Rain. Axel so loves Neesi. It was a riot to see them together. Thank you to Axel's mom, dad and sister for the Mother's Day gift.The cookies are GONE and I want to know what they were but oh my addicting!

We also got a visit from Kandoos and Asal's mom and yum what a grand yum dessert. I don't know what it was but so delish. Asal is not our breeding but we consider her family. They have been having serious health issues with Asal but 22,000 later they don't yet know what it is. We await hearing. She thought of me even after going through this ongoing stress with Asal. I can't believe what a thoughtful person she is. My heart goes out to her. 

No swimming as it is downright too cold. 

It is Mother's Day on Sunday. One son is in Ottawa. Our daughter will come over to chat and eat lunch out back. I hope it is warm enough to swim. Who knows. With all the groomings for Mother's Day, my dogs are looking rather messy but come next week, I may be playing catchup. LOL That's how it works. I do visitors 1st. Maybe I will talk the daughter into taking me down to the Farmer's market in hopes I can find some Canna Lillies. We shall see.

We have had highly fun playing with the dogs but Harlow is now napping after almost catching a rabbit. Oh my!

I could go on but I have another grooming... It is Nathan's day off. So extra work on my plate too.


Cloudy Times

Here is the gallery.

It's Mother's Day Sunday so I am feverishly getting other people's dog's done so they can lay on your lap and you can tune out to the world or smile at visitors. That means I will start doing mine here and there today. Well I did Sky extra early and she is now a complete mess. Part of me says why bother but I like knot free, if I can. I have no idea what we are doing for Mother's Day except no grooming. I hope you have a no groom day too. I will be doing comb-outs after this blog.

Nathan bought me an ice shaver. I do not like appliances for presents but this one I am excited about. I tried to shave ice in my blender. It does a poor job. The one I am getting is not expensive so the end result may be pitiful but I like flavoured ice in the summer. We shall see how that goes.

I tried to cook bacon in the convection oven to treat the dogs tonight. It was a bust so halfway cooked I put it in a fry pan and it went quick. The dogs are going crazy as they can smell it and know tonight an extra special treat. 

Today the dogs got caught in my raspberry bushes chasing something or other and Harlow was leading the pack. Nathan thinks it was a rabbit. I am sure it was. They had fun trying but not fun getting stuck. 

No one tries to swim in the pool. Progress. It's not war, enough. 

Dogs are acting like it is a cool fall day to laze. Imagine that!

Nathan enjoys the outdoors no matter the weather!


Well Not Today

Here is the gallery.

Well this one thought it would be grand to go in but it kept getting cloudy and did rain. So not many photos.

Oreo got a bath as he was looking grungy. He's back up at 5am. He was sleeping in till 6am. No matter what I do he wants to get up at 5am and wake the house. He had 4 days of 6am. He's an old dog. Just like Nathan says he is. LOL

It looks like it is about to rain again. 

Looks like cold all week long including Mother's Day. A huge happy birthday to Pippa (Bailey's mom). Hope you are not working and having fun. 

Dogs still manage to have fun but really other than me grooming, it feels like a lazy day.

Lots of dogs coming the next few days for sprucing up for Mother's Day. My blogs may be short. Sorry. 


No Pool Day

Here is the gallery.

Alfie sure loves his food at each meal. I love a dog that loves to eat. Just like humans, not all dogs do. 

Oreo, being the old dog he is would enjoy sleeping but call me crazy, I take him out everytime we head outside as fresh air is a good thing and he sleeps better due to it. He so loves the snuggles.

It was my day off. Went out with Sherry for Japanese. By the time I got back it wasn't warm enough but Nathan did lounge out in the semi sun. Food and company was good.

Dearmint came by and brought unusual things for the hair for the dogs. It was so nice of them. If you have not shopped with them, you should. Their stuff is high end but lasts for a VERY long time. The quality is evident. Most of their stuff is made in Korea.

Dogs enjoyed each other. I am sitting here with a very full tummy. Mr. Pablo departed. Dennis cleaned the pond out front. He is now doing shelves in a basement room so I can be organized with my substrates such as blankets, totes, frames and the list goes on. I will be able to find everything but what possesses him to do it on my day off. LOL. I may take Jeannie upstairs with my ipad. Watch something and chill way ahead of bedtime. It is what Nathan does on his day off. I am learning. Everyone nee ds a day to rejuvenate. 

Mother's day is soon. Happy Mother's day! may your havanese and kids give you hugs


Shall I Go, Shall I Stay?

Here is the gallery.

Not quite as warm as desired so Nathan walked back and forth in the shallow end reading his reader for exercise. I groomed. Many are going home. A few arrived.

My day off is tomorrow but trying to renegotiate a timeframe someone is coming to visit here to see pups. I am reminded that my time changes are not easy. It can be a challemge. I wish I lived a life where it is easy to change scheduling. Still working on it. LOL

Alfie was saying - shall I go in or shall I stay out. He was really conflicted. He ended up staying outside with Dennis and Nathan. 

Everyone is asking about their dog swimming. It's not happening unless it's downright hot. Right now we are getting teased but dogs love this inbetween weather. At least it didn't rain.Mocha, before she went home this morning got mighty muddy. I love dogs with spirit though I could have not had the extra cleanup.


Yes It Was Rainy

Here is the gallery.

This is Mocha that when she was finished grooming, she had her dinner. I want to call her adorable vs. Mocha. Dear old Meadow thought it was time to go home when I clicked her so I doubt I got her face. Let's just say it was interesting. Ms. Abby almost seemed like she posed. Now to keep them clean. 

It has been a long day with grooming. Ms. Cassie had the blackest feet. She is so full of it, it is a riot. Everyone got muddy. We - or shall I say me had much cleaning. They had fun though. 

Tomorrow lots of grooming again. I so hope no rain.

Short blog again as I am tired. Sorry - just know everyone is having fun and as I type Pablo is playing his head off. He surely loves getting everyone going!