
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Play In and Out

Here is the gallery.

It was warm - not too hot but enjoyable. Nathan went swimming. I groomed as we had a number of departures. 

We have Theo the puppy come to stay and he is wonderful. This visit will be good for him. He is such a good boy and Nathan and him have such a crazy fun relationship. Oh, I remember you!

Jax just departed and Tenshi, Logan and Panda will depart soon.

We saw rabbits in the front yard today. Hmmm we were wondering where they went. 

Nathan went out to run errands and he felt like he was in a new car it was so clean.

The dogs are about to eat and go play again. It is still sunny and perfect weather for outdoor play!


Slow Day

Here is the gallery.

The boys got the van detailed for Nathan's birthday. It was the most outstanding detailing job I ever did see and he came to the house. The interior looks brand new. Plus the son mowed the lawn. Now let's see if it is swimming weather for Father's Day.

Not many photos in the gallery. Dennis just was too busy. I will try to make up for it tomorrow though I have a lot of grooming. That's okay - especially if it stays cool. They say we are in for a heatwave. We shall see.

I went out to eat at Wimpy's for breakfast with Sherry. I think the last time we had breakfast - or I had breakfast was a long time ago. The breakfast was outstanding. 

As I sit and type, it looks like rain.

The dogs here visiting is having a really great time. But - we will keep them out of the grass or we may have green legs. 

Everyone ate heartily tonight. It does my heart good when they eat with such gusto. Food - play - nap - can't get better than that. 


Dreary Weather

Here is the gallery.

A number of dogs are departing. Trigger and Katie departed and Katie was over the moon happy to see Shannon - oh yes the dad too but she's so in love with Shannon. It was wonderful to see.

I did brush out a number of dogs and washed the few departing today. The crew that I took photos of look like they never saw a comb but they did. LOL I still have 2 more to wash and groom so I am pacing myself. LOL

Weather is dreary but better than rain! Dogs are having fun. They are having lamb tonight.

Whenever Nathan gets ground lamb as a topper they lick the bowl clean.


Baths, Grooms and Departures

Here is the gallery.

This is Mr. Petey. Kept trying to get a photo of him and he was a movong target. He had his dinner late as he had to have a full groom before depature. He was a happy boy as he had the rest of a chicken leg - just the meat - no bone, of course.

It rained off and on all day. Now the sun is out - of course. Lots of dogs departed and some arrived. 

The dogs are having a TON of fun. Inside, outside - it doesn't matter. 

I need to make myself dinner as it seems everyone else ate here. LOL What's that about? I am almost too exhausted to cook. 

Katie didn't want to go out in the rain but Trigger was playing up a storm. Hazel was caught barking at a blue jay. 


New Visitors

Here is the gallery.

Katie and Trigger are here visiting starting today. To say they were excited was an understatement. Trigger is always watching for Katie. She's MY gal. 

It says it is 70f but it feels downright cold. I have a long sleeve shirt on, pants and socks. I am THAT cold. It's a no swim today but the dogs enjoy themselves immensely.

Hazel and Socks are tight - two peas in a pod. It's nice to see. 

Jax is in the middle of everything. In, out and about they are having a blast.  Petey and Ollie are here and are indeed in the thick of things. They depart tomorrow after grooming. The 4 Kershaw crew will be departing tomorrow as well. The house will empty out but I have to say - a blast was had.

Hope it warms up but I will be grooming so that's okay if it doesn't!


Wet Noodles

Here is the gallery.

Yep, we are all drips as it has been raining. We get out and we get wet and well we get to be a mess. We are trying to keep Lachlan clean as redoing him may be a big job but at least the dogs are playing indoors and having fun. Each time it stops, Dennis takes them out and then it pours and he brings them back in. 

As I am typing, the sun has come out brightly for the 1st time today. Now, as I am typing, it is cloudy again. You can't win. 

No matter the weather, we still enjoy!


Who Fell In?

Here is the gallery.

Well Rain fell in and Sage jumped in. LOL I had to wash and dry them after. One wonders why I don't take a bunch in? I am allergic to the extra work. 

Today it is Dennis day off. Tomorrow is Nathan's. They say that this is the last for a week of warm weather. 

Dogs had a blast. 

Hazel was biting the hose water while I watered. She loved it. 

Mabel and Velvet are really enjoying themselves with the 4 Kershaw dogs. We have not seen rabbits for a bit. We do see cardinals, bluebirds and bluejays. Lots of dragonflies. 

Despite it being his day off, he played hide and seek with the dogs. He hasn't done that for a bit so they were so delighted!


Bad Weather Coming?

Here is the gallery.

Here is Ellie gal as happy as a clam. Coco was here too and they had a blast.

We had a couple of new dogs that arrived and a couple more tonight. 

It started out cloudy then hot now we are waiting for a big storm. Dennis is betting on it so he doesn't have to water. LOL

I transplanted my tomatoes that we started over the winter and they already have tomatoes on them. They were looking mighty frowny - is that a word but perked up today. 

We have not seen any rabbits and Harlow was downright sad always looking but she is back home where they do have rabbits, I bet she is a happy gal!

We have Blue Jays, cardinals, bluebirds and a TON of bumble bees. The bumble bees confuse me. We always have some but this year is a huge uptick of them in my garden. They leave us alone and just flit here and there.

I still have 2 plants of aloe here free for the taking. I had 10 and 8 are now gone. One is a monster plants and one is a medium plants. If you want, let me know.

Dogs are enjoying this inbetween weather and we are awaiting 2 dogs to arrive. Then Nathan is getting me something so I can sit and watch FROM with Dennis. I just finished cleaning all the couch blankets so they can lay on me. Perfect combination.


Swim or Not

Here is the gallery.

Hazel can swim. Just not sure she likes it. We will have to take her in many more times to get her to enjoy. Socks was smooth sailing and wanted to go in again. 

I am finding Socks is a different dog since Hazel has come into his life. He is more playful, attentive and sometimes she drives him crazy but if she isn't he is checking on her to make sure she is okay. It is obvious they have this wonderful relationship. You never know with an older dog and a puppy but it works for them.

The Kershaw 4 is playing wonderful with a variety of dogs. When they 1st came here on their very 1st visit, they were more apt to be a cohesive group but that unfolded and they find relationships with incoming dogs to be quite enjoyable. 

Mabel and Velvet have been so loveee and fun to have around - truly!

Opus dad has a serious operation tomorrow so we hope for the very best for him in his recovery. Opus is enjoying!

Jersey has turned into a total play monkey. Everyone is having fun.

It was my day off and I managed to have some pool moments. It was a hot day!



Here is the gallery.

These pads we got from Tenshi's mom and dad and they LOVE to lounge on them and I mean LOVE to. 

It's cloudy then sun peeks out and then cloud comes back in. 

The dogs are enjoying being in and out. 

I transplanted my tomatoes and they already have tomatoes red on them. I am amazed as it is early but thankful as I love tomatoes that I know have no pesticides.

Chiclet, Cody, Logan and Panda departs tomorrow and Jersey arrives. It is my day off. 

Everyone is having a blast. It is what gives us smiles - through and through.


In-between the Rain

Here is the gallery.

Well not many photos as it was raining - well still is off and on. We get these mini windows of time we can take them out. 

No gardener. No swimming. 

Yesterday was wonderful weather - just perfect. Oh well.

Dogs will go out but that rain comes and they go running for the house - well most of them do. 

It's a dawg day of making the best of it!


Happy Birthday and Play

It is such a terrible photo but our daughter took it. We had lunch out with some of the family. It was a good time but we were missing many. 

Here is the gallery.

The dogs were celebrating too. They had steak tonight - yum!

Tomorrow we have that person coming over to weed. Our son is coming over to help Dennis clean the car inside and out as a present. 

Nathan swam with just Ella and he brushed her out too. I do believe he enjoyed the day and he has leftovers to eat.

The dogs had a blast too. 


Visit and Fun

Here is the gallery.

This is Mac. We had his humans and his partners in crime visit us today - Raylan and Monty. We had not seen them since pre-covid. As they are all serious seniors - age is just a number - it was amazing to see them and their parents. We genuinely love their humans too.

It is Nathan's day off and tomorrow another day off as it is his birthday.Dear miss Bossy pants Coco - and I say that endearingly as it makes you laugh gave Nathan an amazing gift. 

Tomorrow he gets Hibachi for lunch and to see some of the family. Then later in the day our 2 sons will detail the van. It really needs it. He will be happy. 

On Saturday Ozzie departs (will be greatly missed) and on Sunday we have the guy who is supposed to weed and edge. We will see if he comes. Nathan tells me I need to supervise - really?

The dogs had a ton of fun today. 

T.G.I.F - may all of you have a splendid weekend.


Sun is the Best

Here is the gallery.

It's nice for the dogs to be out in the sun. They had a good time outside. Daisy is looking at me as if to say - WHAT!

Nathan went into the pool today but my face still hurts. I did not.

Today Donald Trump got found guilty. 

I may have to have a gin and tonic. LOL

Dogs are really a cohesive crew. They are enjoying each other. 

It makes me happy to see them happy!

It is Nathan's day off and that gardener is going to weed on Sunday. I will believe it when he shows up. LOL


Late in Day

Here is the gallery.

It seems to get warmer as the day goes on and too cold to swim during the morning. Soon I will be complaining that it is always warm. Make up your mind, Darlah.

I had high hopes for the day but it surely fizzled. Dogs did play and did have fun. We hacve not seen rabbits as of late. I wonder what that means?

Two of the sisters were here and had a blast. Socks seems to be playing with the older dogs and Hazel with the younger ones but Socks checks in on her. 

The 4 crew are having a blast. They are playing with everyone.


Sometimes Sunny

Here is the gallery.

Sometimes sunny - sometimes not. This was Magic after her bath and trim.

The dogs had a ton of fun. They also love when Dennis cuts down weeds and mini trees as they pick them up and have the others play chase me. It's a riot. Maybe it should be called Keep away.

No rabbit chasing today. Maybe the rabbits moved on or they are staying very hidden. 

I am doing a short blog today. I have a terrible headache that is going up my face. Maybe its not a headache. Time will tell but it is bad enough that I am going to hug the couch with dogs.


Another Rainy Day

Here is the gallery.

Not too many photos as it rained and Nathan didn't take photos. So, I did after grooming. 

Despite the rain, it finally stopped and they went outdoors to have fun and I clicked. 

This rain has to stop - please.

Sorry for the short blog. It is Dennis day off!


We Run, We Play

Here is the gallery.

Dogs had a blast. Our son came over and mowed the lawn with our new mower. We still need to find someone to weed. We can now see the dogs when they run on the grass. That's a bonus but I think they like it long. 

We have a busy week coming up. It is nathan's birthday this coming Saturday. It's a big one so we celebrate. The older you get the more you have to create memories. 

We have a number of visitors and they are having a blast. Keke departed, Jax too. Pingo went this morning. Logan and Panda departed and Sox and Hazel arrived. Ollie arrived for the day.

Everyone is having an absolute blast. 

Sherry took me to Costco and got some potted plants. I am not sure Dennis took photos of Murphy. hmmm Murphy departs tomorrow but I am not looking at my grooming list tomorrow. LOL I think it is a long day.


It Rained and Rained

Here is the gallery.

It rained and rained and now the sun is out. There was lots of wet feet, mud and play indoors. They had fun. I groomed and groomed.

Oh and the gardener didn't come as it was raining. Makes sense but is it raining tomorrow too? I hope not.

The dogs are having fun. I am eating nachos - 1st meal of the day. Good news with the rain - always something you can say is good - well no watering the pots. LOL But I think the muddy feet made up for it. 


No Gallery Day

Sorry - we had a great day but I handed the memory stick to Dennis after I thought I transferred and I hadn't transferred them. He ended up formatting so they are lost. 

It is ONE of THOSE days.

I planted some plants that I over winter in the house and I went to do another pot and one of the havanese dug up the 1st one. Oh my. 

I hope you forgive me. We all have days like this at times.

We tried to get our mower going. Tried is the operative word. I hope the gardener shows up.

Nathan is going out with his 2 brothers for lunch tomorrow to celebrate his birthday on the 1st. We are getting some of the family together on the 1st for lunch. He is going to have a fun week - tomorrow, Friday his day off and another day off on his birthday. Lucky guy! Best of all he will have extra dog snuggles. I will make sure of that!!