Canada's Day

Cooper, Anne and Russell is wishing you a Happy Canada Day.
Casey's mom:
Wishing all my brothers, sisters, family and friends a happy and safe Canada Day!
Miss Casey
Forgot to include Casey's current photo. Got very tangled and had to get a lot of her coat cut off. She still gets lots of comments on how gorgeous she is. She weighs a little over 10 pounds. Loves to run and play and gets very mischievous. Loves to give kisses. Can you believe in 2 weeks she will be 1 year old! Anne
Reader Comments (3)
Both are so cute. Happy canada day.
Happy Canada Day to all. We are so lucky here in Canada.
Cooper you are a handsome devil.
Miss Casey has a very sweet face.
Oh the Cooper Boy is such a ham and so photogenic! Laci and I luv him.
Casey looks like a cutey-pie!
We wish you Happy Canada Day All!