Oh My So Very Hot

Montuno was just washed and he is off to the show. Nathan is also off and I am destined for the pool. There may be just a small addition to this post tonight but I am going to take dogs into the pool as it is so very hot and I can't take photos and take them in the pool by myself.
So no clicking - sorry.
Molly and Zoe just departed - they will be missed. Now that Pippin is knot free she will be my first to take in.
Till later...
PS: This cutie got his championship today and this weekend Paula's cutie from this litter got hers as well. Adele got her points bringing her closer to her championship.
Reader Comments (2)
I forget, who was the father of Spice's last litter. I know that Kat was the father of Roxie and Panda's litters who were all born around the same time.
Montuno is a brother to Cali right and their father is Phantom.
Yes their father is Phantom. Paula has Epic called Talemaker's Colossal Clown and she got her championship as well. The 2 siblings Molly and Zoe were here visting.