Fun Was Had

Been grooming all day so hardly any clicks. Plus its been raining so click click today is not happening despite all the Scruffy and Pepper kisses.
Dusty and Zoe got to play. They knew they were sisters as soon as they saw each other. It was a riot!
Today we got to spend time inside more than what we desired but sniff snigff its raining - do we really?
Jon was getting soppy kisses.
Leo and Brewster had a grand time.
Today torrential rains and more coming.
We had a puppy in the house - Lila
She is so attached to Zoe
The Leo
Lila and Brewer
Lila before bath
Lila After Bath
Lila and Spice
Zoe after bath
Dusty and Adele
Adele Lounging
Spice jumps over Lila
Adele out with the crew now
Just a few.... Sorry about rain drenched dogs and a lack of photos but it happens in the rain.
Tomorrow Yvonne comes with the pups so I get to see what the Truffsters kids look like with Flora. If it doesn't rain Yvonne and I will swim. We will set up an xpen on the deck for the crew to play. I am excited! Then they will go home but I promise I will click.
Reader Comments (6)
Love, Love Loved all the pix today. Lila & Zoe look like great pals.
What fun to watch all the various pups and dogs. Their personalities are all different, but they all look so happy.
Be sure to post photo's of Truffy and Flora's pups. Can't wait to see them.
How old are the pups now?
Despite the soggy weather, all had fun. Great pictures. Can't wait to see what the Truffie produced! Lately it seems like when it rains, it really rains cats and dogs! We also had torrential downpour yesterday, pretty well all day. Hoping you get to swim today.
Hi Darlah - thanks for posting the pictures of Leo. He really had a great time on Monday and slept as soon as he got home and all of yesterday. I am so glad that he had a great time with Brewster, Mia and all his other friends there. See you soon!
Ruth which pups - Yvonnes or mine? Yvonnes are 8 weeks old.
He was great. It was a pleasure and he had a lot of fun!
It's raining now. Off and on it was spitting. I should look at it this way at least I don't have to water the pots. Yvonne swam today but I didn't. Too overcast for me. Would have if it was the only time I got to swim.