UPDATE: Shelby Kayak Times & Duo Grooming Ambience

This was her first time in the kayak. She did great. Next we get a doggie life jacket and head out for a long trek.
Scruffy and Pepper enjoyed an outdoor grooming session this morning
Scruffy really enjoyed it as he loved the breeze blowing through his hair. I think Pepper enjoyed the change, too. Although, you wouldn't know it from these photos. I had a hard time getting them both to smile for the camera at the same time.
“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
From me: I am grooming all day and won't be finished till 7pm. So tv and no blog - so forgive me but these 2 updates above are wonderful. Tomorrow I will add photos of Leo who is departing today after his bath. Dennis was taking photos so I may have Brewer (just bathed), Lila and Zoe who are next to be bathed and Dusty - Zoe's sister. Oh and I weeded and played with dogs. I know I am exhausted. No pool today :-( In case you wanted to know Leo was wonderful and I got lots of snuggles when I crawled into the lawn chair thinking a nap and then Nathan said what are you doing? I almost got away with it.
Reader Comments (4)
Lucky Shelby. Most definitely needs to wear a doggie life vest.
We have doggie vests for ours for the pool but never put them on. I just had a dog over (not one of ours) that is used to floating in the pool with his on. The issue with that is they never learn to swim properly with one on. But as Barb stated on longer trips Ms. Shelby will have hers on. She was conditioning her to the kayak 1 thing at a time.
That is the epitome of "woman's best friend!" :-) Good going Shelby & Mom.
The photo brought a little lump in my throat b/c Tiffany used to go fishing w/ her Daddy and stand on the bow of the boat looking for fish. Think I mentioned before that she appeared to have suction cups on the bottom of her paws. She just swayed w/ the waves. Great memories! LOL
Scruffy and Pepper look delicious as always !