Really Short Blogs

Today in Dance Class we played Olympics. Here is a picture of Coco winning a gold medal. In the 9 events Coco won 4 golds, 4 silvers, and 1 bronze. In Doozie's class she won 3 golds, 1 silver, and 2 bronzes and did not medal in 3 events.
Love the pics of the pups.
Carol: I love that you have fun with your dogs. Bravo!
Well I had a visit from Yvonne - cooked lunch for us - sat around and oh I am so behind. Well the dogs sat around with us and we played with them but productive of a day - not. I did manage to groom everyone, wash Pepper and Scruffy (will miss the duo) so they can be pretty for their mom and dad, check on pups, do laundry, clean pens, vacuum, cook lunch - hey I even got a shower in. Aren't you glad? :-) I am tired!
The point is there are no photos. Well there are but I am not going to go nuts resizing and posting as I am honestly exhausted.
Truffie asks where am I going? A girl you say? Oh my but am I coming back? Will I want to? hahahahaha
Have yet to hear how things are going but My lil boy is a man. Well of course I am mom. I have kids don't ya know?
Well, on another note Dusty departs tomorrow will miss her. I hope her Mommy survived her move. We get really quiet for a bit. What do you know - I may get to watch tv with Nathan and/or get some baths in. Sounds delightfully exciting doesn't it? Well Blacklist is back - Voice is back and who knows what but so much for a short blog.
Scruffy and Pepper depart in less than an hour and they look stunning. Well - I think so!
Reader Comments (8)
Oh Truffie, there's just something about him that makes me smile. What a handsome boy he is, Piper's a spitting image of him (or at least I think so)!
Love love, love the Truffie. He has a special place in my heart.
Go greet the little girl waiting for you @ Yvonne's . You will make great puppies.
Have fun.
Carol Coco and Doozie live an exciting life. They are always engaged in some
form of entertainement or training. They receive a lot of stimulations.
Good for you Carol, great for Coco & Doozie.
Big congratulations to Coco and Doozie for winning some Olympic medals! Way to go Carol and the winning Havs, So great that you are doing so much with them! Keep it up.
Truffie steals all the girls hearts , canine and human :) I see much of Tre in his face and especially the eyes! Tre's eyes are quite light ( like in the framed picture we sent you Darlah). Truffie you are special .
Congratulations Coco and Doozie. Laci is wants to do Lyrical Dance too. She hopes to do half as well as you two.
Gerda, Laci has the light eyes as well. I would call them Amber in colour - certainly not brown. Her nose is light as well.
As for Truffie! What a little man. <smile>
I miss the Lil Man - he is indeed my dawg!
Way to go Coco and Doozie! Olympic champions!