Brrr: Video Added

Love to fill you with all sorts of photos but it won't happen. Sure we are having fun but we are busy taking in plants, cutting them back and all sorts of things - Dennis and I. Who knew it would get this cold so fast? I have tropicals that must come in as I can't buy anew each year - the price we pay. The dogs LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it as they think this cut back plants, yank in house stuff is so fun as they steal clippings I cut and do the chase with each other.
Above is an old photo of Nathan running with the dogs. He's been doing this for eons. The dogs never tire of it and it is true today as well.
Yeah he's not cutting back plants or carrying in pots - he's running with the dogs.
When it snows Dennis and I will be shovelling and he will be running with the dogs. hahahahaha Oh lottery ticket come in. I need a snowblower.
Reader Comments (4)
Love the three musketeers in the video.....gotta believe the Coop is having a good time. If he wagged his tail any more....his butt would fly off. What a chuckle we had watching it. Thanks Nathan!
Anne: He adores the pups... it's a riot. I tried to get a video earlier as they were really playing crazy but when I got the video camera they stopped and then it dawned on Nathan that he could use his ipad. We will see what tomorrow brings. Daisy who is here thinks he is a pillow each time he gets on the couch. It's a riot. Got to catch that in action too.
Love the big smile on Coop's face! And no wonder.....look at all the gals around him! He has that male magnetism! LOL
The triple threat is so cute. They all paused for just a second. Coop is such a fluffy