Missing the Duo

This is the duo before their baths. We have had a ton of rain so even walking through the grass has given interesting hairdos. I think tomorrow other than washing Jeannie for a sanction match and Logan and Panda I am taking a break on grooming. You could brush yours thoroughly a few times a week but I like to stay on top of things.
This is Scruffy after his bath.
This is Scruffy saying enough already!
This is Pepper after a bath.
This is Pepper doing whatever it takes to get the treat. :-)
The duo is a pleasure to groom. I mean that sincerely. Lori and Roger invests a lot into this process and it shows.
This is Levon before he was brushed out. I forgot to click him after. He didn't have a bath. I just brush and 'comb' him out. If you don't use a comb you won't find any knots starting. I tell you this as I hear time and time again but I brush him when I say x has knots. The brush only does the surface unless you have a long tined brush and even then it misses knots. Levon doesn't come with knots. This isn't about Levon but a general informative - use a comb tip.
Levon is a happy, happy boy. I have photos of him that I will be posting later with the pups. I have been busy today so I have not got to it.
I took out all the dead vines in one of my pots today and found all my morning glories (blue) are growing. I do not have to buy anew this year - bravo. It may be August before I see full growth but that's okay.
Our friends also got me two plant pots from Costco - cheap. We do not have a Costco membership so I was thrilled. I have to get them to get me 2 more. They were cheap and I didn't mind paying the little cost for annuals that only last one season and they are beautiful so now you all have a source. Just don't buy them all. Leave 2 for me. hahahahaha
Even though its not raining (hooray) I had the crew playing retreive in the kitchen and they were ALL after Scruffy and the toy. He gleefully carried it here and there proud that they couldn't get it from them. I had to laugh as it was a game to him. They all loved it too.
When Pepper managed to get it from Scruffy she would drop it at my feet so I could throw it again and so it continued.
Pepper was smitten by Levon and well Scruffy said - HEY!
The day is not over but it's turned into a truly fun one. Even Risa was playing retrieve like she was back to being 2.
PS: Lori Nathan couldn't figure out the harness when your dad was here so I looked at the hair that I carefully groomed and went yikes. He had to do it twice to get it right.
This was Roxie saying, can I play with the puppies too?
Reader Comments (6)
I bought a line comb! I just need to take it out of the package - lol.
I love how fluffy his coat is when you use it, so I vow to do it!
Shannon: Glad you got one but I rarely find a knot on Levon. You are doing a great job but the comb does help you find them.
That photo of Roxie is the cutest thing ever!
Darlah, that explains the couple of knits on Scruffy. ROFL. I thought, what did you do to yourself Scruffy to get so messy so soon? Haha, we will blame Nathan this time.
What can I say? Scruffy and his toys! He must have been in heaven with all the dogs chasing him! It makes him sooooo happy. Pepper enjoys the retrieval, that's what she finds fun.
Thanks for keeping them happy, safe and loved while we were away. Scruffy was all hugs today, Pepper all licky licky. Sleeping with them next to us again is so wonderful!!!
I was cringing while he was attempting to put it on and even said to your dad its a good thing I have photos of them being cleaned as Lori would never believe it.
We never use a harness so I will give Nathan that. When kids were younger we would buy Ikea furniture - cheaper and about the lifespan you need. He would always put it together wrong then put it together right after learning what was wrong. But that does affect the screw holes etc - sort of like the harness.
He actually told your dad that.
The time change must be throwing you off. I hope they slept in and you did too. Nice to be back to the rain? All the time you were gone mostly rain with a few moments of sun. I give up.
Nathan has a sanction match today with Jeannie outside so she will be a wet rag for sure while the big dogs will have their ankles tickled. Oh well. Why do I even bother to wash.
They are so pooped, thank goodness, because so am I. Roger looks bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning. How does he do it?
It's a good thing my dad picked them up because our plane was delayed a good 45 mins from Vancouver.
This rain is really making for a tough grooming season. Do you remember the story about Haleakala? We need the demigod Maui to lasso the sun for us :)
Yes, I remember the story well. It's the wahi pana - the holy site of the sun! The demigod Maui journeyed to the crater where the sun was asleep and using a lasso, caught the sun and made him promise to move more slowly through the sky, creating the long summer season. Well Maui has one - not us. hahahaha
Did they tell you that Haleakala has the most endangered species than anywhere else in the world? There have been much dispute over the land from the natives. It seems tourism is winning. One day visit again and do a tour from a natives eyes. It is enlightening.
I love Maui but I also remember it when it didn't have a Costco. There was nothing but dirt roads above Kaanapali on my 2nd visit. But the very first time Kaanapali was not created yet and you stayed at the Maui Lu. It was a different world then. Once Kaanapali was built (still my idea of the best beach) the tourists came in droves and who could blame them. I wish I could afford to live there. Glad you got to visit my idea of true paradise!