Really Crazy Day Today

Sorry not many photos of many dogs as we realized we had a family of raccoons living in our yard displaced from our neighbors house a few days ago - thank you very much.
Here are the photo of the kits as they call them about 2 weeks old sitting in a bucket on a heating pad as we are big sucks. But its not a good place and hope Mom realizes this as there is no protection from rain etc.
They are cute little buggers. At this age just like pups they can't see or walk.
Before we realized this was an issue (Dennis found them as we were putting out pool stuff and furniture and he heard them) I took a couple of photos and then we have had to play inside waiting for a humane wildlife guy to give us tips on how to handle it. This the bucket, the heating pad and we are now hoping that mom moves on to a better place.
Now on to the dawg photos.
One would think all that I captured was Ziggy and Scruffy but that was almost it and then we realized we had to come inside and we got too busy playing silly games inside. Sorry about that.
Reader Comments (11)
How lovely and sweet! :-) I just so love the wildlife that lives in and around our back yard and so I understand. However, Laci chases anything w/ legs (and wings) and while I am working at tempering this behaviour a part of me feels "this is her domain" and if she feels she doesn't want them there or just enjoys the game of "the chase" then maybe I should just let nature take its place. However, I would like to think we can all live in harmony. We do love our chips and our squirrels. Laci can chase squirrels and birds, but the chips . . . well they are good at the game of cat and mouse and I believe they taunt her. That's OK . . . I think they are both enjoying their little game. LOL
The issue with raccoons is they carry tetanus, rabies and ringworm. Pups are not vaccinated yet thus living in harmony is tough. Mom has moved all put one kit so far so she must have found shelter and we were a temporary stop in the scheme of things. They did come from our neighbors and I am sure mom didn't realize we had dogs to contend with here. But until she was able to find shelter we paid 275 dollars to a humane wildlife guy to make sure we handled everything properly and we have a heating pad plugged in to keep them warm. They would not have survived where they were. Dennis just looked and saw only one so we are holding our breath hoping she comes to get the last one. Dennis was just about to build a tent around it in case it rained. heh But I am glad if they are gone the pups and dogs can go outside again. It would not be safe to even the adult dogs as moms do protect their young and rightly so.
I know what you mean - as far as raccoons - I always check the yard at night to make sure its clear as I'm afraid of them around dogs. One thing that helped a great deal was getting rid our our bird feeders and so they don't seem to frequent our yard any more. We spray Outter Limits on the fences and it seems to keep them away.
Hope your little ones find a new home soon! They are soooo cute!
Hi Darlah, as I look at your photos (they are great! by the way!) I noticed there aren't any photos of Truffie? Does he live with you all the time or does he drop by periodically?
I'm glad Scruffs and Ziggy had so much fun together today! It's wonderful to see siblings reconnecting :)
Truffie lives here all the time. I haven't been putting up photos as someone chomped his head hair in play. We aren't telling you who but its finally starting to at least lay down vs. a brush cut. hahahaha
Yes, unfortunately we also had to do without the bird feeders. I miss them but I save money and I still get a fare bit of birds due to the plants and the water pots so best of both worlds.
All 6 seem to be moved. We will look in the pool house when it is light to see if she found a way into there otherwise she found another location.
The raccoon pups are sweet to look at. Raccoon feces can cause serious health
issues for dogs. Sometimes nature's creatures and domesticated animals
can not live this close together.
You did the right thing consulting the professionals.
glad the kits are gone, shady and nora are planning a huge outdoor play today so they would have been disappointed. last night shady ran a complete 400 m on a track. now we are looking for a dog olympics, he'll clean up!
Love pictures of the dogs standing on their hind legs. They so look like two year olds in fur suits. Furry babies!
I like when they stand too.
Alene: Weather got in the way of the backyard and baths. hehehehe Next time. :-)
Kathy: I agree and luckily they moved on before rain came. I didn't want to live with the kits getting sick due to the elements or worse.