No Update Today

As time goes on the hand is getting really bad the more I type - so just a couple of photos. I will tell you Coco and Pavvie are playing and playing and playing. Ringo and Ziggie are 2 play monkeys. Doozie loves playing with Ziggy and Ringo. It's a great and I mean great fit. But photos - sorry - it hurts to click. Yes, it is that bad. Sorry.
Nathan or I will groom tomorrow. Today was a no grooming day as I had no choice. But I will tell you the cohesiveness of this crew is wonderful. Everyone is playing their hearts out. Nice!
Nathan managed to click these but he didn't click much - sorry. Icing hand and hoping tomorrow is a better day.
Reader Comments (2)
I'm so sorry your hand is hurting. Advil and ice is a good combination. Get better soon
Darlah, I am truely sorry about your hand. I know how hard you work to demat a dog. Hopefully I can learn from that and take better care of Brie and Colby's hair. Take care and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.