The Cooper

This is a GREAT photo of the Cooper. Thank you for sharing it with us. It brought a smile to my face.
We have a busy day. Hava Java came to see us - one of Risa's kids - how cool is that and now Hava Java is home. Dusty has departed. Nathan's family is coming over shortly. His dad was diagnosed with cancer and is busy spending time with everyone. We are happy he is coming over.
I have the Jenkins and Oreo to bathe and get pretty for their parents.... busy day so no photos but I hope the Coops will bring a smile to your face as it did mine.
Reader Comments (6)
So sorry to hear about Nathan's dad but happy to hear that he is visiting today. Quality time spent with loved ones is so important! I hope he has a nice visit with all of you. The Cooper sure brings a smile to our faces every day so I'm happy he was able to bring a smile to yours!
That he did, Anne!!! He even made Dennis smile. :-)
Cooper and The Duncans always have interesting 'holiday' photos. Thanks he
also made me laugh.
Darlah & Nathan enjoy your family time.
Cooper is such a good sport about everything! What a good boy he is! Thank you Anne. He put a smile on my face for sure!
Sorry to hear about Nathan's Dad's illness. Enjoy your visit with him. I'm sure the dawgs will help take his mind off his troubles!
It was a good visit. Too busy today but that's okay too. I probably shouldn't have said anything. Nathan is so private and I am so out there. He doesn't get the 'me' after all these years - hahahaha. What a pair we are. I will probably be dead (not literally) for telling you all but you know you can't do it all alone. It's called life.
Anne, that is such a wonderful photo of Cooper! Definitely made me smile :)
Give him a big hug from us. Happy Easter!
Darlah, in life, we should all be able to have people around us who can support us in the bad times and celebrate with us in the good times. That's one of the privileges of being human. I'm sorry to hear about Nathan's dad but hopefully he will be ok. It's great that you were all able to spend time together and I agree with Irma that the dawgs are great therapy too.