Snowy Times: Gallery & Video Added

Oh my gad are we having fun despite the cold. But its so fun and I have baths to do that I will have to add a gallery later tonight but it will come. The photo above is Ringo and Darcy sporting a similar hairdo.
No wins today at the show except for Muntuno.
More photos and updates in this post later tonight. Do we have photos too!
Here is the gallery. Plus here is a video of Harper doing zoomies in the snow. You go boy!
Reader Comments (6)
Way to go Harper. Love the pictures, especially the ones with all the darker dogs and , is it Adele or Leti? Anyway, cool to see the darker coats and one lighter one in the middle of the pack. Great shots.
Adele looks beautiful against the white snow. Nice to see Laci's brother Ringo! :-) Where is Treasure? Haven't seen her in a while.
All the dogs looked like they were having a great time in the snow. Nana Risa
sure enjoys herself outside.
Debi: Treasure is retired and living downtown with a lovely lady who gives her the one on one attention that she adores. She is much loved. Still miss her but also happy that she is happy. She's doing classes, going to the farm and keeping her human on her toes. We recently took Adele and Spice down to see her. I cried all the way home but I also had to admit she is truly in her element and much loved and she loves her too. I still miss her and I imagine I will always.
Adele is the darker one. She actually seems to be getting darker much like Abs does - light, dark etc
Darlah - I didn't realize that Treasure was in a new home but it was an unselfish and lovely move on your part. I'm sure she's loving the one on one attention. You must really miss her. I had been missing her as well and began looking for her in all the photos.
Re Adele - the white snow does show off her beautiful colouring. You should get a special picture of her w/ Miss Abs in the snow together. :-)