Way Too Busy

Have had too much top do today so blogs across the board will be short. Had a visit from Alex and Yvonne and Daisy going home with a bath so no photos today other than Abigail pups and a couple we clicked. Sometimes that happens.
This was the afternoon nap for anyone who doesn't believe that this is a daily thing with the dogs of course. They don't sleep all that much but he does. hahahaha
The Miss Daisy was just washed in this photo though a real chore to keep her from making a mess of herself. She is just a dog that likes to muck it up. Daisy's hair I line comb section by section as it is thick and I need to make sure I get it all.
I am finding this dehydrated chicken that Lynda gave me - well she gave me the paper thin wafer thin raw stuff is like crack to the dogs. As this is so thin you can even break it up in pieces and give it to them as toppings. Someone told me to try dehydrated beef hot dogs. I will try it the next time Nathan picks some up at the store. Next try may be sweet potato. We shall see how that goes. Yvonne gave me this recipe with potato flour, tuna in oil and eggs and said the dogs think that is crack too. Got to get some potato flour first and of course the tuna as our tuna is always in water and she said that doesn't work. I will let you know how that works when I get the ingredients.
I have had a particularly bad day. I was giving treats to the dogs and my nexus 7 - a 250.00 piece of merchandise I use daily fell and the screen cracked to the point that to use it I would slice my hand and it has a lot of dead spots so I am not a happy camper. To add insult to injury Dennis started telling me off for not putting it down before giving treats to the dogs. Got to love it.
Highlight of my day was the dogs and seeing Alex and Yvonne! The rest I could do without.
So, that was my day. How was yours?
Reader Comments (11)
Love the pics of dogs keeping Nathan company when he is having a nap.
Yikes, sorry to hear about the tablet. That sucks.
Shannon: Yeah - it was a fun thing just for me - oh well. I still have my ipad 1 that doesn't play much anymore. ROFL
Kathy: This is a common thing daily. We were just teasing him today about it when Alex and Yvonne was here as Alex needs naps. Alex said what is YOUR excuse. heh Nathan said shhhhh We love to tease Nathan. The dogs are so patient sitting and watching him sleep. One would think they were used to it.
So sorry to hear about your tablet. Doesn't it just get you when your child catches you at something you have told him a million times not to do? Can you get a new screen? There are some places in Winnipeg that do just screens but I don't know what they cost.
If the recipes turn out, could you post them for the rest of us?
Keep up the great work on the blogs but don't wear yourself out. I couldn't go to bed without reading your blogs, even when they are short.
There are places to fix it but I am afraid something else is wrong. I either have dead spots that I am not sure can be corrected by a screen. I can't get to any of my menus making it useless. A new screen costs almost 100 and a new one $300. If I knew nothing else was damaged then I would opt for the new screen but may get a new screen and find out I need a new one entirely. Son things the unit is damaged beyond repair. I am so depressed about it as I used it daily. Oh well...
Also sorry about your tablet. Would love your recipes too. I have been heating 1/4 cup beef broth and pouring it on her Beef Frittata and she eats Breakfast and dinner immediately. Very happy that she doesn't go a whole day without food.
Ladies! I may have the recipe that Yvonne spoke of to Darlah. I would think you could use whatever flour you wish. Chick pea flour is a good one. Here is the recipe:
1 can mackerel (salmon or tuna) undrained
2 eggs
1 cup flour, split in half
DIRECTIONS: Pour can of mackerel into blender or food processor and blend till smooth. Add eggs and blend, then 1/2 cup flour, blend, then last 1/2 cup flour and blend till smooth. Pour into 8x8 lightly greased baking dish and bake @ 375 for 15 min. Cool. Cut in to appropriate size for your dog.
FYI - the above recipe is from info@dogsdogsdogs.ca Go to this website and select previous editions, then dog recipes. There is a fabulous and festive looking one on there now that looks extra special for this holiday season. I just love their spin on words! Makes if extra fun. :-)
I shared with Yvonne and she says that's very similar. Only hers is with potato flour and she uses a thin later on parchment paper so it cracks apart when cooled. Will try it next week and let you know how it works. Maybe you can try this one and let me know - or someone?
I think the use of potato flour is far better for dogs than wheat. It shouldn't make much difference in the recipe except make it a bit crunchier. As for the consistency. . . as in size of pan and thickness - each to their own I say - experiment and be creative! I'm going to try a different flour next time.