Wet and Well Soaken Times

We have news. Roxie is in heat - day 2. That means pups in Feb. We shall see if she brings in her sister Panda. I prefer them to have the 1st pups together. Time will tell. Its hard to believe they are now already 2.5 years old. How did they get that old so fast?
That's okay, Roxie, Momma Abigail and Fiona will help you. You just wait!
It is a wet day and oh boy I washed Keeper to go home to his forever home tomorrow and well he will need a cleanup again after looking at him. Heck all of them will need a cleanup. Tomorrow is Nathan and my anniversary. Don't ask how many. We don't do that. I don't want to know. You see then I know how old I am and I try to avoid that too. What are we doing? Well Jon has our car for skiing and we have Keeper going to his forever home and Cooper departing so if I can somehow get a lime I may have a drink at least but doubt I will get that as Jon is leaving early and coming back late. Oh well.
I am down 12 lbs now from the exercising. It is nice not to squeeze into clothes like I am a stuffed sausage. Sorry but that is how I felt but why we wait till that point, I don't know. At least I am moving it.
I have brushed out Jeannie as she is in a show this weekend and lined combed her. As you will see in photos why did I even bother. Dennis and I will be holding down the fort and having fun during the time Nathan is at the show. It will be Montuno and Cali's first show too as baby pups. It means I will have 4 dogs to wash for shows. heh But we won't go there just yet.
Here are some photos of the day.
There are benefits to being taller. You don't wick up but let me tell you he doesn't look so pretty now but he will on pickup tomorrow. :-)
Keeper doesn't even look like I gave him a bath. Oh why did I try. I can't believe he is going to his forever home tomorrow. I believe he is going to truly enjoy his journey. Look for photos tomorrow with his new family.
We won't post photos of what Cooper looked like a bit ago or it may scare Anne. Let us just say he was totally drenched. Tonight before bedtime, I get to do it again. ROFL.
But guess what - they had amazing fun!
Reader Comments (9)
Are those pics of Coop and Jeannie playing like crazy again? I can just imagine how drenched Cooper is.....but I also know how great he will look tomorrow, thanks to you always. I hope you both have a lovely anniversary tomorrow. I'm happy that I will be there in person to wish you both well :-)
Cooper always manages to look good, or Darlah you may not be posting the
really messy photos. Love to see Jeannie. she always seems to be mixing it up with the shrubs or something else that gets her looking 'abandoned'.
Happy Anniversary no matter the number.
Wow hard to believe that Roxie is 2 and a half years old already.
Who will be the sire ?
I imagine with Roxy in heat, things will be busier than they normally are! Happy Anniversary!
Everyone looks like they had so much fun. Happy Anniversary!!! Be proud of the number. Not all stay married as long. And aging brings wisdom. You two have done so much through the years to be proud of. Please do toast your union. I was also wondering who the sire will be with Roxie. Should be wonderful puppies regardless. Congrats on doing so well with your weight loss. You are an inspiration. Take care
Thnx Jane...
Roxie and Panda will be mated with Katsura. Remember they are both Phantom and Abigail pups so they are related to Truffie. This mating will bring Phantom, Abigail and Kat together plus have the influence of Starkette Pride of Wincroft - Kat's dad. Risa and Starkette Pride of Wincroft had a son named Kat. :-) I believe they will have really nice pups. I just hope Panda comes into heat soon. This way they can have their pups together.
PS: Will toast if the son remembers to bring lime back from the ski slopes otherwise without a car its impossible to get to the store. :-)
Anne: Yes, Coops and Jeannie playing their heart out.
Kathy: Yeah Jeannie is a shrubbery gal - a free spirit. hahahaha Yes, I eliminated the drenched Cooper ones. He looked like he had a bath but a messy one. Hoping the 10pm outside is not so wet. If they run it will be. If they just go out and do their business I will be saved work. hahahaha
So far its too early for Roxie but Nathan is in the guest room tonight and I will have Kat and Truffie. Nathan will have Coops as he doesn't clue in. What a way to spend an anniversary cause tomorrow will be the same. Heats sort of interfere with our cuddles at night. Oh well, nothing we can do. It's just another day in the scheme of things. I may get a full night sleep but then again I will have Kat. I can just hear Nathan tomorrow - I got no sleep - yeah right you had the girl - I had the out of mind boys. Roxie will not be mated till probably next Sunday so it will be a long week for the boys. She's not in her prime and needs to be. Right now she wants to rip Kat or Truffies head off. Yeah, that is usual till its time.
Happy anniversary to you and Nathan. We will toast you when we celebrate our 40th later this week. See, I count the years, and wonder where they all went!
That's wonderful news about Roxie, I will be watching your posts for news of her and Panda with extra anticipation. Finnegan needs a new playmate, and we miss having a full time dog in our lives.