Not Many Photos

I was busy doing baths for others today so I didn't get to click. Nathan did. He didn't take much. He said he was too busy playing.
We have Keeper here and he has been busy playing with everyone. We have Cooper here and he is playing with everyone including Keeper. Max, Monty and Raylan are also here draped on Nathan watching tv. They too were playing. Was just about to take a few dogs out to play but it started hailing. What's that about?
I promise to click tomorrow but got baths to do so we shall see. Then after baths we get to visit with Steven and My. It's been way too long. We also got a puppy bed - one I have been looking and looking for from them. Thank you in a BIG way. The future pups thank you too. Can't wait to take photos of them in it. We have been looking for a long time for one too!
I think I am tired - no I am tired. hahahaha
Reader Comments (3)
Hmmm....Cooper is looking cheeky in that last picture. Amazing that you had hail. Nothing in downtown Toronto but I hear Barry is getting lots of snow tonight. See you tomorrow.
Can you believe hail - crazy weather I tell you and it was too warm for hail. As soon as it hit it melted but boy you could hear it pelting down.
We got a little wet snow so far. I keeps changing from snow to rain. Supposed to get 5-10 cm of snow tonight. Brie and Colby will love it. Way better than mud.