Great Walks and Fun: Harper Smile Video Added

Brewer is stretching after a nice walk. Brewer is here overnight for loving and a bath and of course the play. He's a master at the play.
Everyone went for walks, played outside a number of times and now we are watching TV and I need to start grooming. I am getting there. I am tired and its only 230 but feels like 8 - does that make sense?
Only have a few photos taken today before grooming of course. You can tell the dogs always have fun and it does my heart good to know we are a part of that!
Oreo and Gidget are master walkers. They have the process down like they are old pros. :-) Logan and Panda we find are better when they get walked with others. We like to mix up who goes with whom. It makes it different and more enjoyable for each. It's not just humans that need different paths, different company to make it more fun than usual.
Tomorrow we get to see Shelby and Ty. I am really looking forward to it!
Check out Harper! Yael has him smiling on command.
Reader Comments (12)
What a fun and endearing trick Yael has taught Harper! I luv it so much it's given me inspiration to do that w/ Laci. :-) Harper is a cutie and it's nice to see Mom and son enjoying each other.
Yael - How did you teach that? Was it something Harper did that you rewarded so he soon learned to repeat?
I too would like to know how you got Harper to smile. Love the peanut butter? in the kong as a reward, must admit I would never have thought of that.
Katie is getting tired of the tricks she knows so it must be time to teach her something new. The last one was "say please" which most people call beg. Today we walked though the playground of the middle school while the kids were on lunch break. It is part park, part school grounds with a pathway that joins two streets. The girls just love to give Katie treats which I supply and she shows off her tricks. I think it is good for her as well as the kids. Met one girl today who was afraid of dogs so I held Katie and after her friend was greeted with a kiss on the hand, she tried it too. When I put Katie down and we went through some of her tricks the shy girl was smiling. Hope it gives her a little more confidence. I gave her the lecture about being cautious and approaching carefully but I think she really enjoyed petting Katie.
Thanks! He's pretty much the best. Whenever I have peanut butter, I always let him lick my finger. I noticed he started to curl his lip in anticipation. I started labeling the action. It works best with peanut butter but now he does it with other treats too.
He can smile, but is still pulling on the leash! Ugh!
I''m glad she is behaving, sometimes she is such a little punk on her walk. I am happy she is having a great time.
Yael, that video is so precious. What a cutie, and so smart! Got to try this with Cooper :-)
Thx for sharing Yael! And, for reminding us about "labeling." Learned about that at school. :-) Laci makes that face after she's been holding her stuffed monkey in her mouth for comfort. Will label that and treat and hope it works! Fingers crossed.
Added note to Yael - my husband and 4 grandkids watched the video of Harper this AM and got quite a kick out of it. They asked to see it again. LOL Doug says the peanut butter is the trick to get that sticky feeling in the mouth. And Yael, Laci and Harper are 1/2 siblings. No wonder he's smart. :-)
Love the video of Harper smiling.
Kona's brother Ty also has a great smile.
Gidget could go and walk and walk and walk. She is always the leader and she always flirts with the boys. Such fun! It is great having her here.
Ty is coming this week... :-)
Marilyne: There are so many tricks you can teach a dog. Here are a few: and here is a visual one and then keep on watching all the rest that are presented to you. Good for you for educating the kids. We used to do that with our German Shepherd. We started doing that with the kids at the local school but was told not to. :-(
Thanks Darlah, there are some that I haven't tried or nor been successful at.
this site gives great detailed instructions.