Not Much

Ms. Magic looks a lot like Ms. Abigail these days.
Had a lot of grooming to do and baths. Magic is on her way home now.
She came for a bath and I had to dry her face twice after all the playing and drinking. ROFL. Tomorrow they say rain for 2 days. :-(
Bailey was busy playing with Cha Cha and Magic in a big way. They were teasing him as only gals can do.
Everyone had a blast and tomorrow Maxine will be here to play and get a bath and everyone will be departing and we will be back trying to keep them looking dry, just groomed with all the rain that is coming. Monday we get to see Gidget (been a long time - yeah) and Oreo.
We are going to settle in and watch Red 2 after refreshing ourselves with the original Red and snuggling and giving extra kisses to those departing tomorrow.
It has been a really fun day. We played a ton of games. We laughed. We practiced no bark and we swept and swept and now I give up.
I am thinking of telling everyone that the leaves they yank in is the latest in floor design. It is, isn't it?
Reader Comments (7)
Rain here also tomorrow and Monday. Today was so nice! Can't help but notice Bailey's coat and colour. beautiful. The gals look mighty good looking too! Can't wait to see pictures of Maxine. Have a great evening guys!
Haven't seen Maxine for a bit so it will be a treat! Got 6 baths tomorrow and everyone is going home. It will be a challenge to keep them dry and clean. Tomorrow night will be ever so quiet.
I found a picture of Coop and Magic from the picnic. They had similar colours then but her coat colour has changed since, more blond I think. I found a picture of Coop from Decembr 2011 and his colour has changed too. Amazing to see the change in coat colour over time. Beautiful to watch. Love the Magic :-)
Magic was always an apricot base so knew she would end up like Ms. Abs going darker and lighter but due to them not cutting her hair she still has all that sable tipping. Cooper is more like Bentley in his base color. He has more of the brown overtones, don't you think? Blonde in havanese are more off white lacking the apricot base. Its so confusing. Apricots go light and dark. Blondes remain the same. Mr. Cooper is a brown sable if I had to define him.
Always loved Magic! Is a lot like Mom Abs and reminds me of Laci as well.
How do you do that ponytail? Is it a braid or 2 strands twisted?
Magic's coat is really quite beautiful. Her face does resemble Ms Abs.
Kathy: I often if I look quick mix up Roxie and Abigail but I was doing the same with Magic. It is so interesting how Abigail often throws mini-selfs.