Teaser and Truffie Pups Play Day

I think Boo and Levon's face says it all - oh boy more fun. Here is a gallery of Boo, Levon and Piper. Piper was a tad more reserved than the boys with their wild play but humans - oh boy what a wriggle cutie patootie is she!
It was great to see them but we must do it when they can run out back and truly let loose.
Also Ty, Kona and Sophie are celebrating their 2nd birthday. Check out Ty's photo on Treasure's blog. After we get Kona cleaned up (meaning the mud goes away) we will hopefully take photos of the brothers and post them here.
Reader Comments (14)
I know they had a blast because Levon has been sleeping since we got home. I've never seen him so tired before! lol. I still can't get over how big Boo is! And Piper is a beauty for sure.
I knew he would sleep. He surely played his heart out. Boo reminds me so much of Cooper but I doubt he will be as large as the Coops. Havanese USED to be larger and that's why you see large in the lines. I rather liked them like that but I like them all sizes.
True, they're is so much range in looks, but they're all beautiful.
Those were great photos of the Teaser Truffie pups. So cute, such energy..
Thanks so much for having us! It was great seeing 3/4 of the siblings together, even though Piper didn't play much I know she loved her visit with you and Nathan. She's definitely a people pup, that's for sure! Like Nathan said, it'd be great to try and get her and Boo together sometime.
It was a pleasure to see her and she would have played more out in the yard. You would have been standing up and that would have had her focused on her height - her siblings. We will do it again when the weather is better. I am really happy that you came! Please lets do it again! Plus she is so cute, its unreal - what a face on that gal! Oh my gad she looks like Truffie!
Love the pictures. They all look like they had a wonderful time. All are beautiful. Is the black and white beauty silvering out? We need a Wasabi / Abigal play date soon. They will soon be 1 year old. This last year went by way to fast.
Darlah, oh I'm sure today wasn't the last time you'll be seeing us. We will definitely bring her over again. I agree, she is quite the cutie. Such perfect markings and the sweetest face, with a personality to match. We love her so much. She does look like Truffie and it's funny that Shannon said she thought she looked like Spice. I've thought that for a while now but just told myself I was crazy because, if I'm correct, the closest they are related is Risa?
Boo has that " steal your heart quality " that Truffie has. Like father like son :)
Piper and Levon are just as cute......Truffie sure likes to leave his mark!
Yes, risa and as we saw with tre, sometimes risa leaves her mark too. Heh. Piper has that silvering gene and its coming in so nicely.
Jane yes another playdate for sure but lets do it when they can enjoy outside. I find when it gets more than 3 and even at 3 the play is more stifled when inside as people and then dogs take up the space. There is simply a lack of ability to let loose and run. I really need an indoor facility in bad weather to pull off a great playdate. Looked into pawsway but cost was too great.
Our Boo looks like he is having so much fun! Does he look like Cooper? We miss him so much but so glad we know he is having fun and being loved. See you soon. :-)
give boo a big hugg for us
Those are great pictures. Love Piper with his tongue sticking out in some of the pics (I think it is Piper?). I can see why Boo resembles Coops...he definitely is bigger than his sibblings.
Emma: Boo is having a fantastic time going and going and going! Then he sleeps then back to play.