Got to Laugh

What is it about Panda and Roxie? Logan loves to maul them playing rough and chewing style. Poor Lynda trying to control that! I redirect him and stop him but as you can see between the rain and the Logie well Panda is a tad disheveled.
But Spice jumps on Logan and he goes - oh oh. Spice is rather physical so she gives as much as she gets. Logan used to play with her in a big way and then she went into heat and they had a repreive and her hair is starting to come back. It's not there yet - maybe a year from now but it is growing. :-)
But I am still trying to figure out how their relationship changed and his attentions went to Panda and Roxie instead. Fickle men. Spice still likes him but he's not sure to handle her these days. Next month it will change again - just watch!
Reader Comments (1)
Oh, that's so funny! Just like kids. You gotta love 'em! :-)